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Terms to know for games with traditional playing cards

Most specialized hobbies and interests have their own terminology, and the world of traditional playing cards is no different. Most readers likely have some experience with traditional playing cards and the games that can be played with them, so you are probably already familiar with quite a few common terms and words that are used. But are you sure that you're using the right words? It's easy to learn new terms from other people, but that doesn't guarantee you're giving them the right meaning.
What is the difference, for example, between a court card, a picture card, and a face card? What exactly is meant by a spot card, and are there more common terms for the same thing? What are the proper names for all the four suits, and should we have a preference for "clovers" or "clubs"? As for card games, could you explain the difference between a hand and a trick, and can you distinguish between the stock and a tableau?
I've put together a glossary of terms to help out. If you're already an established card connoisseur, this glossary will help give you a quick refresher course and polish your existing knowledge. If you're quite new to traditional playing cards, this list will help you become more informed. And if you enjoy card handling and games with traditional playing cards, this collection of terms will also prove useful. Whatever the case, knowing a thing or two about the language of playing cards will help us enjoy them and the games we play with them all the more!

Playing Card Terms

These terms relate to playing cards themselves, with common words and phrases relating to how they are made and what they look like.
Ace. The number one card of each suit. Black Lady. The Queen of Spades, also called the Black Maria. Bridge-size. A narrow size playing card with a width of 2.25 inches, contrasted with the more common 2.5 inch wide "poker-size". Color. Spades and Clubs are considered "Black" in color, while Hearts and Diamonds are considered "Red". Deuce. A card with two pips. Cellophane. The protective plastic shrink-wrap that most decks of playing cards are wrapped in. Clubs. English term for the French suit trefle, corresponding to swords (Italian/Spanish), and acorns (Swiss/German). Coating. The protective coating applied in the final stages of the printing process by the playing card manufacturer. Cold foil stamping. The modern method of printing metallic foil (contrasted with "hot foil"), which uses printing plates instead of stamping tools. Court cards. Kings, Queens, and Jacks. Also called "face cards" or "picture cards". Deck. A pack of playing cards, usually 52 cards plus two Jokers. Diamonds. English term for the French suit "carreau", corresponding to coins (Italian/Spanish), and bells (Swiss/German). Embossing. The dimpled "finish" on the surface of the cards themselves; can also refer to the raised surface that are parts of the tuck box design. Face cards. Kings, Queens, and Jacks. Also called "court cards" or "picture cards". Face-down. A card placed so that its back is showing, while its face is adjacent to the table. Face-up. A card placed so that its number or picture is showing. Fanning powder. A white powder (usually zinc stearate) used to improve handling by reduce the friction between playing cards. Finish. The type of embossing used on the surface of a playing card, typically this is smooth or embossed. Foil. A shiny metallic material applied to the surface of a playing card or tuck box, usually by a process of hot or cold foil stamping. Hearts. English term for the French suit "coeur", corresponding to cups (Italian/Spanish), flowers (Swiss), and hearts (German). Hot foil stamping. The older method of printing metallic foil (contrasted with "cold foil"), where a heated die is used to stamp metallic foil onto a playing card at high temperatures. Index. The small numbeletter and suit symbol in the corner of a card that shows its suit and value, especially useful in a fanned hand. Joker. Extra card that comes with a 52 card deck, and used in some games as a wild card or the highest trump. Knave. The Jack of a suit. Marked. A deck that has secret marks integrated into the artwork on the back of the cards, often enabling the suit and rank of the card to be identified. Metallic ink. A liquid ink containing metallic particles which reflect light, usually creating a less intense effect than metallic foil Numerals. Number cards, as opposed to courts, also called "pip cards" or "spot cards". One-eyes. The Jack of Spades, Jack of Hearts, and King of Diamonds. One-way. A back design that isn't symmetrical, enabling cards rotated 180 degrees to be easily identified. Pack. A deck of playing cards, usually 52 cards plus two Jokers. Pasteboards. Another term for playing cards, originating from when the front and back of a card were literally pasted together. Picture cards. Kings, Queens, and Jacks. Also called "court cards" or "face cards". Pip. The large suit symbols on a card (Spade, Club, Heart, or Diamond) Pip value. The numerical value of a card. Poker-size. A standard size playing card with a width of 2.5 inches, contrasted with the narrow 2.25 inch wide "bridge-size". Rank. The ordinal position (number value) of a card in a suit, e.g. 2 of Diamonds and 2 of Clubs have the same rank, while a King outranks a Queen. This is sometimes also called "denomination". Seal. The sticker used to seal a box of playing cards; a practice which originated with tax stamps. Smooth. An unembossed surface. Soft. Card-stock that bends easily. Spades. English term for the French suit "pique", corresponding to batons (Italian), clubs (Spanish), escutcheons (Swiss), and leaves (German). Spot card. Any card from 2 through 10, also called "pip cards", as opposed to "court cards". Spot UV: A secondary printing process which adds a clear gloss coating to selected parts of a card or tuck box in order to add sheen and texture. Stock. The type of paper used for the manufacturing of a playing card. Suicide King. King of Hearts, so named due to the traditional orientation of the sword he usually holds. Trey. A card with three pips. Tuck. Short form for "tuck box", which is the box or case containing the deck.

Card Handling Terms

Many of these terms relate to handling a deck of playing cards, and some of them are especially important for those who do card magic.
Biddle Grip. Taking a deck out of Mechanics Grip by grasping the top and bottom edges, holding it with your thumb on one edge and your index finger on the other edge. Also called "End Grip", this is the most common way to hold a deck along with the "Mechanics Grip". Bridge. A classy flourish where two interwoven halves of a deck spring together. Burn. Reveal and then bury a card. Bury. Place a card at the bottom of the deck, or in the middle of the deck so it can't be easily located Cut. Divide the deck into two packets, and reverse their order. Deal. Pass out cards to the other players. In card games this is usually done from a face-down pack, in clockwise order starting with the player on the dealer's left. Dealers Grip. See under "Mechanics Grip". Dribble. Releasing a deck of cards one at a time from the fingers and thumb so that they fall downwards in a steady flow. Fan. A spread of cards held in a semi-circular shape, with overlapping cards that show the indices. Faro. A shuffling method where the two halves of the deck interweave perfectly like a zipper exactly one card at a time. Flash. Expose a card accidentally while dealing or handling a deck. Flip. Turn a card face up. Flourish. A visually impressive display of skill performed with playing cards. Force. Making a spectator select a predetermined card apparently at "random". Hindu. A shuffling method from Asia where the cards are moved in lengthwise packets. Key Card. A known card in a deck, typically adjacent to the spectator's selected unknown card. Mechanics Grip. Holding a deck squarely in the center of your left hand, as if you were dealing cards for a game. Also called "Dealers Grip", this is the most common way to hold a deck of cards. Outjog. Push out a card from a deck so that its top half is protruding and visible above the other cards. Overhand. A shuffling method where the cards are moved in sideways packets; the most commonly method of shuffling cards. Packet. Part of a deck, usually consisting of a number of individual cards. Ribbon spread. A "spread" of cards across a table or mat. Riffle. A shuffling method where the deck is divided into two packets, and using the thumbs to making the cards fall quickly and interweave together. Scaling. A specialized technique in throwing cards frisbee-style at high speed. Shuffle. Randomizing the cards in a deck by a mixing process. Smear fan. A fan made with one hand, and often using only half the deck. Spread. Showing a hand, packet, or deck of cards face-up, often with cards overlapping. Spring. A flashy flourish where the entire deck springs one card at a time from hand to hand. Square. Straightening the edges of a deck in the hands or on the table. Stacked deck. A deck where the cards are set-up with a pre-arranged order. Strip. Remove low cards from a deck. Thumb fan. A fan made by holding the entire deck in one hand and using the thumb of the other hand to spread it. Vanish. Make something disappear.

Card Game Terms

Many individual card games have their own terms, such as Euchre (Bower, Going Alone, Order Up, March), Cribbage (Crib, Go, His Heels, His Nob, Muggins, Peg, Starter), and Poker (Blind, Check, Hole Card, Straight), so this is not an exhaustive list, but focuses on terms that are common to most card games.
Ace High (or Low). The Ace is the highest (or lowest) ranked card in a suit. Age. Order of priority in play, starting with the player who must first bid, bet, or lead. This usually begins with the player ("eldest hand") on the left of the dealer. Announce. Name a trump suit or show your melds. Ante. A bet or contribution to the pot made before the deal. Auction. The period of bidding before cards are played, to establish the conditions of the game (e.g. the trump suit, how many tricks are needed to win). Bank. The dealer or house in a gambling game. Best. Highest ranking card. Bid. A proposal to win a specific number of tricks or points. Bidder. Any player who makes a bid, or the player who makes the highest bet. Blank. A card worth nothing in a card-point game; or alternatively a hand without court cards. Blank suit. Having no cards of a specific suit, sometimes also referred to as void. Bluff. Pretend you have better or different cards than what you actually have in hand. Buy. Draw from the stock or widow. Carte Blanche. A hand with no court cards (but may contain an Ace), also called a "blank". Case card. The final card of a particular rank that remains in play. Catch. Getting valuable cards when drawing from the stock or widow. Chicane. A dealt hand that has no trumps. Chip. A token or gaming counter used in gambling games in place of money. Coffee housing. Acting or speaking in a way to mislead your opponents about the cards you have in hand. Combination. A set of cards recognized by the game rules as having a scoring value, usually a set of the same rank or suit. Contract. Obligation to win a certain number of tricks or points. Coup. A winning play or bet, or an especially good play. Cover. Playing a card higher than the previous highest card in a trick. Cut-throat. A variant of a partnership game where players play for themselves against the other players. Dealer. The person who deals cards to the other players. Declare. Announce the contract or conditions of play (e.g. name a trump suit, or the number of tricks to be won). Alternatively, this can mean to show and score the valid combinations (e.g. melds) of cards in your hand. Declarer. The person who is the highest bidder, who declares, and then has the aim of making good the stated contract. Discard. Putting an unwanted card to the discard pile, sometimes called "throw off" and used to refer to playing a worthless card in a trick. Discard pile. The cards that have been discarded during pile, usually face up. Doubleton. Holding two cards of the same suit. Draw. Take an additional card, usually from the draw pile or stock, and sometimes from the top of the discard pile. Draw pile. The cards remaining after the deal, also called the stock. Drinking game. Typically has the aim of producing a loser rather than a winner, who must buy the next round. Eldest hand. The player besides the dealer (usually on his left) who receives cards first and plays first; sometimes also called first hand. Exchange. Trade a number of cards from your hand with another player, or draw from the stock and discard the same number (or in the opposite order). Exit. Force another player to win a trick, or get out of being the player who leads. Finesse. Holding back a certain winning card and playing a card of lesser strength in the hope of capturing an extra trick. Flush. A hand of cards of the same suit. Fold. Drop out, usually by turning down your face-up cards. Follow. Play second or third etc after a trick has been "led". Follow suit. Play a card of the same suit as the first card played. Four of a kind. Four cards of the same rank, e.g. four tens. In some games this is called a "book". Full house. A combination of five cards that includes a three-of-a-kind and a pair. Gambling game. A game played for money. Go out. Play your last card, thus getting rid of all cards in your hand. Hand. Cards dealt or held by a player during a game. Alternatively a "hand" can refer to the portion of a game from when the cards are dealt until they are all played. Hand-play. Playing without using a widow. Head. Play a higher card than any thus far played to a trick. Honors. The high cards of a suit (Ace, King, Queen, and Jack, and sometimes also the 10), especially if they have scoring value. Knock. Indicating that all your cards are melded (e.g. in Rummy), or that you won't make a further bet (e.g. in Poker). Lead. Play the first card of a trick; alternatively, as a reference to this card. Long card. A card in your hand in a suit that opponents no longer have. Maker. The player who names the trump suit. Marriage. King and Queen of a suit. Master card. The highest ranked card in a suit that is live or unplayed. Meld. A matched set of three or more cards having the same rank, or having the same suit and being in consecutive order. As a verb, "meld" means to declare or lay out one or more such sets. This term is mainly used in Rummy. No-trump. A declaration where the hand is played with no trump suit. Nullo. A declaration where the aim is to avoid winning tricks or points. Pair. Two cards of the same rank. Partnership. Two or more players working co-operative to win. Pass. Declare that you don't bid or bet, or that you withdraw from the current deal. Pot. The money or chips representing a game's bets, sometimes also called a "kitty" or "pool". Plain card. A non-trump card, sometimes also called "plain suit". Play. Take a card from your hand and use it in a game. Raise. Increase a preceding bet. Renege. A failure to play a required card, usually when you don't follow suit; also called "revoke". Renounce. Play a card other than the suit led. Round. When all players participate once in a deal, bet, or play of a card. Rubber. A set of three successive games; usually so described in matches of Whist or Bridge. Ruff. Play a trump in a trick led with a plain suit. Run. A sequence of two or more cards of adjacent rank, which in some games must be of the same suit; sometimes also simply called a "sequence". Sandbagging. The strategy of holding back cards in a good hand to trap an opponent into a greater loss later in the hand. Sequence. A "run" of two or more cards of adjacent rank, which in some games must be of the same suit. Shedding. Games where the aim is to be the first to get rid of all your cards. Singleton. Holding one card of any suit. Stock. The cards remaining after the deal, also called the draw pile. Three of a kind. Three cards of the same rank, e.g. three tens; sometimes called a "triplet". Tops. Highest cards in a suit. Trick. One card from each player, usually won and taken by the player who played the highest or best card. Trick-taking. Games based on the principle of trick-play. Trump. A selected suit that outranks the other suits, e.g. a Two of a trump suit will beat a King of any other suit. As a verb, "trump" means to play a trump card that beats other non-trump cards. Turn. In rotation, a player's opportunity to deal, declare, bet, or play. Turn up. A card placed face-up after the deal, to determine (or propose) the trump suit. Unload. Get rid of the dangerous cards from your hand. Void. Having no cards of a specific suit, sometimes also referred to as "blank suit". As a verb, "void" means the act of discarding all cards of a suit to achieve this. Widow. Extra cards that are dealt face-down at the start of the game which don't belong to a particular player; often a player is given opportunity to exchange some cards with it. Wild card. A card that can be used to represent the rank/suit of any other card (as allowed by the game rules), usually as designated by its holder. Youngest hand. The player last in turn to bid or play (contrast with "eldest hand"). In two player games this is the dealer, who is sometimes also called a "pone".

Solitaire Game Terms

Solitaire or patience games often have their own terminology, so a separate section has been devoted to this.
Available. A card available to be played or transferred in the layout, and which is not blocked. Blocked. A card that that is partially or completely covered by another card, and thus not available to be played or transferred in the layout. Build. Transfer and lay cards in the tableau. Build up. Laying cards on a Foundation card in ascending order of rank. Build down. Laying cards on a Foundation card in descending order of rank. Cascade. Cards built on each other, but where the indices of all the cards are still visible. Center. Part of the layout in the middle. Column. Cards in a vertical line extending toward you, where the may cards overlap but show their indices, usually in a tableau. File. A column in the tableau. Foundation. A card in the center on which other cards are built up or down, often an Ace or a King. Hand. The draw pile or stock that remains after the tableau is laid out. In Sequence. A requirement that cards be placed on one another exactly one higher (or lower). Layout. The prescribed arrangement of cards dealt out, consisting of the tableau, and possibly a stock and foundations. Re-deal. After the initial stock has been used, to use the cards from the Waste pile. Row. A line of cards side by side, where the cards may overlap but still show their indices. Space. A vacancy in the tableau as a result of removing the cards of one pile. Stack. Cards placed on each other so only the top card is visible. Tableau. The prescribed arrangement of cards dealt out, i.e. the layout excluding the stock and foundations; in some games the tableau refers to the entire layout. Talon. Cards turned up from the stock or hand and laid aside in one or more packets as unwanted or unplayable; sometimes also called a "waste" or "waste-pile". Waive. Being able to lift a card and play the card below it. Waste. See under "Talon". Wrapping. Allowing a sequence where an Ace can continue from a King; also called "Building around the corner".
Author's note: I first published this article at PlayingCardDecks here.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to boardgames [link] [comments]

How I run My Friendly Poker Night for 10 Years Now!

Shameless Plug: to My Blog Post. (Also my first reddit post. If not appropriate, let me know!)
I’ve been running a Friday Poker Night at my house for over 10 years. Great friends and relationships have been the gift we gave ourselves. Read on to see what I’ve learned what works and what definitely doesn’t.

The Goal

Let me be clear about the goal of my poker nights. It is primarily about community and brotherhood. It is a refuge from “life”. It is a place where men are comfortable to just be themselves, with no judgement. Men face a lot of pressure in their lives from work, family, and society’s expectations. We often joke that everyone thinks you are an asshole, but at the poker table, you are loved for it!
The goal I try to avoid completely is that of winning money. If people are there to win money at all costs, the brotherhood will be lost. Poker can attract people that live for brutality and unbridled competition. Of course money is won, but the stakes should be set low to keep a friendly competitive atmosphere. Low stakes keep people playing their best games; without any stakes, no one would care. We set the buy in at $20, and that keeps the competition friendly and meaningful.

The Benefits

Grow as a Person

Poker itself teaches players to be a better person. Self-responsibility, patience, humility, humour, grit, and egoare all tested through the game. Tactics include an understanding of statistics, reading other people, negotiation skills, bluffing, and risk assessment. I always say that if you play enough hands of poker, and take responsibility for your play, you will overall become a better person. It is the ultimate teacher that you can only control certain things in your life, and there are other things you do not control, and then there is luck. Best to make the odds in your favour. I covered this in another post: Discover 12 Life Lessons from Poker.

Become a Better Poker Player

Everyone learns to be a better poker player, for sure. After a couple of years of playing, they can start to hold their own in more professional tables. Playing 100’s of hands is the best way to learn the game. Playing with people is the only way to learn behaviours. Playing with the same people week in week out means learning to outwit your opponents. And that is where the fun is; you never stop learning.

Be Yourself

Poker night is a release valve for the players. After a tough week full of stressors, and people that want something from you, it is nice to just be with people that just want to be with you, to enjoy your company. I see some of the guys crack open a beer, sit down, and a big sigh emanates from their belly. They can just relax and be themselves.

You are not alone

Poker night shows men that they are not alone in their lives. I see common problems discussed, knowing glances, and some heartfelt moments. In at open atmosphere where people feel safe talking about their struggles, they get things off their chest. This is not a traditional group therapy session, but an informal gathering where sincerity is brief and profound. I’ve seen guys sit at the table for 2 years until they finally open up (and then you can’t shut them up)!

Don’t take yourself so seriously

Of course we make fun of each other. We make high-school style jokes. And we laugh uncontrollably at the silliest things that without context, and for me, quite knowingly, is not really objectively funny. But the moment is. The group is. It’s really about living in the moment and releasing pretence. Laugh therapy? Whatever, we come to the table primed to laugh.

Talking it Out

Sometimes after the game ends at midnight, most of the guys leave, and I’ve had 1, 2 or 3 stay. And they stay sometimes until 3 or 4 in the morning. And we just talk. Some talk like they haven’t in years. They open it all up, and let it all out. They talk about huge life decisions, weighing the pros and cons in real time. This is when it all comes together.

Being a Better Man

There are times when men need to be together. We miss the brotherhood that came so easily as children and got slowly eroded as we became teenagers, young adults, and full adults with significant others and children. It isn’t always clear what it means to be a man in this ever-changing society and what is expected of us. Previous generations’ models of “being a man” is ridiculed in society, and women are taking their rightful place at the table of power. Many of us struggle (many times unknowingly) to keep up with the changes. The poker table allows us to informally compare notes and see what is working for each other. It is not a place of machismo nor a wish to go back to a bygone era but a consortium of men continuously adjusting.

The Guidelines

In the future, I think I will write a full post elaborating on the list below. There are nuances and reasons for each. For now, enjoy this cheat sheet if you want to run a community poker table.

Poker Rules

  1. Low Stakes. Keep the buy-in low enough to include everyone, but high enough to discourage irresponsible play. $20 is our buy in.
  2. Raise the Blinds. Raise the blinds continuously so that the game will end when you want it too. We like midnight to 1 AM.
  3. No Sudden Death. Allow unlimited rebuys. Players kicked out early in the night are unhappy and the game can be more stressful. They will stop rebuying naturally when the blinds are too high.
  4. Texas Hold Em Only. Switching the games or introducing wildcards discourages newcomers. Poker is hard enough to learn.
  5. No Limit. Yes, is can be brutal, but definitely punishes the conservative players that would make the action boring.


  1. Plastic Playing Cards. They are more expensive initially but cheaper in the long run.
  2. Numbered Poker Chips. Having them numbered is much better. ($20 = $10,000 chips. 2x$1000, 11x$500, 12x$100, 12x$50, 12x$25)
  3. 10 Person Poker Table. Fits 8 comfortably, and we’ve had 11 no problem.
  4. Chairs. Costco has folding chairs for about $20 each.
  5. Deep Cup Holders. This is key. People get excited and drinks can be knocked over.

Joke Guidelines

  1. Loved Ones Off Limits. No making fun of people’s families, loved ones.
  2. Unchangeable Attributes. No making fun of people’s physical attributes, or personal situations they cannot change.
  3. Hateful Prejudice. It’s not conducive to an atmosphere when hateful jokes are made about minorities or sexual orientation. Always remember that someone at the table typically includes connections to the victim’s of these jokes.
  4. Name Calling. Delivery and context is key. Proceed with great caution.
Like all good humour, the table many times crosses the line. It crosses the line gingerly, and with context and most importantly with love. If you are going to poke fun at someone’s relationship with their wife, you had better have known him for a long time, and the trust and love must exist. When someone steps over the line, we can hear a big “whoa” as the group protects the maligned, and it is usually laughed off. Proceed at your own risk.

Food and Drink

  1. Food Budget. The first $80 of the buy-in goes to the food. Whoever is responsible for it gets the money, and the rest feel good about it.
  2. No Junk Food. My table typically does not have chips or junk food. Playing every week, we cannot be eating that kind of stuff. Personally, I like to cook every Friday night.
  3. Alcohol, Everyone Brings Drinks. Guests bring drinks. Yes, there can be freeloaders at times, but a gentle reminder puts them back on track.
  4. Optional Non Alcoholic. Make sure there is lots of water and coffee for those that want to limit alcohol.
  5. Bonus Ice Cream. A nice ice cream on a stick at 11 PM keeps everybody alert and adds a bump to the table.

Guest List

  1. Varied. Mix it up. All walks of life welcome. Makes for interesting conversation and dynamics.
  2. 15 Person Invite List. This will result in 6 to 10 people any night.
  3. Keep Eyes Open. Scan for new people in your life. There will be attrition every year.
  4. Banning People. I’ve never had to do it. Most people’s missteps can be forgiven and the group dynamic prevails.
  5. Banning Sharks. Sharks don’t like to stick around. $20 buy in with $80 going to food means they can work for $5 per hour in the long run. Increase the stakes and then they may sniff around more.


  1. Enthusiastic Welcome. When someone walks in, everyone yells and the greeting is warm and heart felt.
  2. Preselected Playlist. Tune in to one playlist or radio station for the night. Self proclaimed DJ’s will distract from the game,
  3. Background Music. Music should be selected to be background music in both the style and volume.
  4. Good Lighting. Nuff Said.

Bonus Stuff

  1. Bad Beat Prize. I keep a chest full of $20 items I buy at hardware stores, costs, online. Gadgets. Any one night, the best “bad beat” gets to pick from that chest. In other words, if 2 people lost with a great hand, the best of those 2 wins the prize. You cannot win if you are in the money. This softens the blow for people who lost a straight to a flush (for example)
  2. Personalized Poker Chips. Everyone has a poker chip with their picture on it. Snap a picture with my phone, print it, cut it out, and put it in a coin collector’s case. This is their membership chip.
submitted by marckoran to poker [link] [comments]

1970s “Tank” Game Shooting 2” Plastic Discs at Other Player

Think of an old fashioned (1970s) oven/stove knob laid back-side flat on a table. Instead of one half-inch raised knob ridge spanning across the 3” perimeter of the knob, now there’s two parallel ones (like the twin tongs of a tuning fork) across the same perimeter about 2” high with a ⅛” inch gap between them to fit a 2” poker-chip-type plastic disc (but lighter in weight and standing on its edge freely) and notched around the disc’s perimeter like a U.S. quarter. The notched edge allows one player to push down on the back of the chip (like lighting a flint lighter) to launch it out of the u-shaped holder and across a flat smooth tabletop or floor at the other player’s launcher.
The goal of the game is to eventually hit all of the opponent’s launchers off the tabletop’s edge (or floor boundary) with launcher chips. Each player has a colored light plastic launcher set consisting of 1-3 launcher “tanks” with matching set of 2” discs (“missiles”). Launchers may be turned 360 degrees in place where they are initially set up or are moved when hit by the opponent; they may not be moved by hand otherwise once gameplay has begun, even if hanging halfway off the edge of the table edge or ground boundary.
The design is such that the launchers’s twin “guide crosshairs” are open at either end of viewed at eye-level with the playing surface.
There are about four sets of “tanks” with matching “missiles” in the game. The light plastic material used for both the launcher and missiles was identical, was not translucent, and came in standard primary colors. The plastic was light enough to allow for the launcher to be moved backwards when hit by a missile from the other player’s launcher. If launched hard enough, a disc could strike the opponent’s launcher right off of the playing surface and could come spinning back (due to the friction of the notched edge) to the tank it launched from and hit it, too.
Thanks for any help!
submitted by RedditMayne to whatisthistoy [link] [comments]

I recently received the entire Chip Theory Games collection (for solo play)

I recently received the entire Chip Theory Games collection. All games, all expansions, and a bunch of the premium upgrades. Pretty much everything except the alloy dice. All because Ricky Royal made a solo list and put a game at #1 I'd never heard of, the buzz was good on Too Many Bones, and I loved the look of Triplock. This was my treat to myself for 2018.
People aren't lying about these components, they feel wonderful and are a real pleasure to handle. I really love the mats too; there's a great satisfaction in rolling out a mat and establishing a new world on your table so quickly. The dice from Too Many Bones also deserve special mention just for looking amazing, I got excited about the game just seeing them and the possibilities they teased and they were a big factor in selling me on the game once I looked into it. The plastic cards won't be for everyone, but God do I love them. Easy to shuffle, yet durable, they're a real joy after some of the low quality cards I've had to deal with in other games.
Setup time is great. The storage solutions they provide are amazing and really are in a league of their own. Everything is in trays or tuck boxes, so for the most part you lift a bunch of stuff out and it's on the table ready to be used. Too Many Bones has some setup, but it's all pretty simple and once you know the system you'll rearrange the dice and chips to reduce the setup time further.
Due to the amount of content, and my wish to make the best use of my limited storage space possible, I have removed the plastic holders and packing foam from Too Many Bones and Hoplomachus The Lost Cities, thus allowing me to storage all content for each game in a single box. I'm not so sure about the Triplock premium mat holder though, since it seems like that will increase the footprint of the game quite a bit, and you can't put the fluff cards in there so don't get rid of the base game box (which is tiny and can fit everything, including expansions). The Hoplomachus lid rises a little, but Too Many Bones is a perfect fit. Here's the Hoplomachus storage setup I copied, and the Too Many Bones storage setup I copied. I've since ordered a couple more poker chip trays from Chip Theory Games for use in Too Many Bones for the battle queue (rather than stacking them) and health (rather than bagging them). The brand I use for Hoplomachus (to replace the plastic tray I removed) was a little too tall and would lift the box lid.
Thus far I've had time to play a couple of solo games of Hoplomachus The Lost Cities (beasts, criminals and bosses) and Too Many Bones (Duster vs. Nom). Hoplomachus was especially simple to get up and running, quick to play, yet satisfying too. Too Many Bones is definitely tougher to get rolling with, but I appreciated the superb reference cards which allow you to actually learn as you go since they layout the structure so well. For Hoplomachus I had to print off a PDF from the Chip Theory Games website to get a full skills breakdown, but with Too Many Bones I really don't need anything besides the game, character and skill reference sheets. The amount of space they need is pretty reasonable, while the Hoplomachus mats may look big, once it's out on the table you don't really need much additional space beyond the mat itself. Too Many Bones is very easy to arrange into pretty much any configuration you like, and if you exclude optional additions like The Adventure Map (which is just a fancy card replacement) could use even less space.
Gameplay thus far feels like it strikes a good balance. Hoplomachus was easy to get to table, then whip out a couple of games. There was some stuff to think about, but it had a nice light feel to it. There's a positional element, some planning, but also just some tension as you chuck dice. I believe I'm playing the lightest of the Hoplomachus games so far, so it will be interested to see how the feel of it changes as I take on Titans and challenges.
Too Many Bones creates a cool little story for you, with decisions at each encounter. I'm definitely glad I got the add-ons here since you'll want as much variety as possible. I'm a little disappointed solo has its own, smaller, encounter deck, and would rather they'd found a way to just scale the cards allowing you to have a single giant deck. The skill system is where the real long-term planning comes in, with you having to think about what your build will be over the course of the campaign. If you've played a computer RPG this should give you an edge as you'll already be aware of the importance of a focused build, rather than spreading across the tree. Then you apply all that in battles, which will feel very familiar if you've played Hoplomachus, but on a much smaller scale. There is definitely room for tactics within the battles, especially needing to react to bad roles and adjust accordingly, but a lot of your success here will be determined by what you did before the battle. I played Duster the first time through and my playthrough was very specific to Duster's skills, focusing on an alpha strike alongside Nightshade. Excited to see how different gearlocs change the experience, and what a longer tyrant feels like versus a shorter one. There's even a campaign setup where I can take on multiple tyrants.
Of course, you have to mention a couple of the really cool mechanics. The first of these is the one you might have heard of, where a miss (rolling a bone) contributes towards certain character abilities. Another nifty feature is the fact that you can ignore a roll, so you roll a 1 for healing skill and rather than that being your heal roll for this battle you can choose to reject it and try again on your next turn. This then balances against the fact that every die you roll comes from your DEX pool, so if you keep rerolling that skill die that's less dice available to attack and defend, or even less movement points. It's a really nice balance. I also appreciated that defending isn't a reactive roll, but rather a buff you apply to yourself, so you are choosing whether to commit your defence die, or spend that DEX point on fully committing to an attack.
So the components are great, the games play smooth and easy and provide a satisfying experience. Everything is perfect, right? Almost. There is one area where Chip Theory Games is pretty terrible across their range, and that's the rules. I'm not talking from an organisation perspective either, they're actually pretty well laid out with a table of contents that makes finding what I need dead easy. It's just that I've never had to consult an FAQ so regularly before for any other game, because the rules constantly fail to address the most basic of situations, things so basic you feel these are rules only checked by people who knew the game inside out and were never subject to a blind test.
One of the very first questions you will run into in a Too Many Bones battle is whether goodies block goodie movement, and do baddies block baddie movement. This is the kind of thing rules for every game ever address with a single line, it's just basic stuff. Yet the rules of Too Many Bones rules don't say, you'll only find this on the FAQ despite this being the third edition of the game now. How is this possible?
In Hoplomachus you are instructed to move a criminal "towards" a champion. But it doesn't address what towards means. Towards the hex the champion occupies or towards a hex where they can attack them? Also in Hoplomachus you get six deployment hexes, yet nothing in the rules tells you which six. You'll likely correctly assume it's the six at your end of the mat, but I mean, come on! This is basic stuff. In solo play the setup violates the setup rules, but the implications of this are never explained.
Another instance, in Too Many Bones: Undertow you have allies introduced. There's an ability called Weaken which impacts a stat called DEX that allies don't have. There's a sub-rule handling Weaken on baddies, who also don't have DEX, but no mention of allies. This would be excusable were it not for the fact that allies and Weaken are introduced in the same expansion.
Probably the biggest offender is the lack of anything explaining how to merge Too Many Bones and Too Many Bones: Undertow, two very mergeable games and something pretty much everyone is going to want to do because variety is the spice of life. You will have to trawl numerous threads on BGG to find the answers on what to merge vs. what not to.
The rules are absolutely jam packed with instances of this, I could go on for days about the problems. There are tens of rules where just adding an additional sentence would have resolved everything, but instead you're consulting their online FAQ and posting to BGG in the hopes of clarity. At least their online FAQ features a nice search interface which made the process far less painful than it is for most games with their reliance on a single mega-thread like most. Also, Chip Theory Games, please sort out the absence of HTTPS on sections of your site.
I'm thankful I had some time off to tackle this stuff, otherwise it might have been a more frustrating hurdle. But now that I'm across it I'm left with what appear to be some damn superb games. Just be aware you might need a support group to learn them, or a willingness to go with your gut and be happy with that.
EDIT: I put together a thread to try and address some of the Too Many Bones rulebook issues. It doesn't tackle organisation issues, but it does try to eliminate all the poor phrasing and vagaries.
submitted by Quitchy to boardgames [link] [comments]

Kickstarter Roundup: Oct 29, 2017 | 45 Ending Soon (incl: RWBY, Near and Far: Amber Mines, & Gloom of Kilforth expansions) & 60 New This Week (incl: Root, Okko Chronicles, & Munchkin Starfighter)

What this is:

This is a weekly, curated listing of Kickstarter tabletop games projects that are either:
All board game projects meeting those criteria will automatically be included, no need to ask. (But the occasional non-board game project may also sneak in!)
Expect new lists each Sunday sometime between 12:00am and 12:00pm PST.

Ending Soon

Project Info Status Backers Avg Pledge Ending Comments
Cahoots Card Game of "Co-opetition" 3-4 Players by Jay Treat Work w/ your opponents to score points through matching suits, but be sure to play the better card! A game of sneaky teamwork for 3-4. (Has currently earned $11,545 of $5,000) 230% 640 $18 10-30 kicktraq
RWBY: Combat Ready RWBY: Combat Ready is a cooperative board game where 2-4 players join forces to take on fierce RWBY villains and slay monstrous Grimm! (Has currently earned $698,852 of $250,000) 279% 7515 $93 10-30 kicktraq
Generations - A Game of Ancestry & Rebirth Generations is a roleplay focused game set on an alt-Earth where, when you die, your next generation is born from your corpse. (Has currently earned $1,230 of $750) 164% 46 $27 10-30 kicktraq
Brownie Points Card Game - The Ultimate Game of Slap Attacks A family game for everyone that requires both speed and mental toughness through the use of Slap Attacks, Dog Houses and Nope cards. (Has currently earned $3,809 of $3,600) 105% 42 $91 10-30 kicktraq #take2
Orbis Mundi 2 - Real Medieval Life OM2 is an expanded and updated version of the original Orbis Mundi, covering the reality of Medieval European Life for Role Players. (Has currently earned $13,284 AUD of $1,000 AUD) 1328% 351 $38 AUD 10-30 kicktraq #rpg
GameChips 2017 The ultimate tabletop game accessory (Has currently earned $5,522 of $1,000) 552% 21 $263 10-30 kicktraq #bling
LexiCon 2018 Tabletop Gaming and RPG Con - Are You Ready? More Boardgaming Events, More Boardgames, More RPGs, More Games in the Library, More People and More Fun! April 20 to 22, 2018. (Has currently earned $8,297 of $5,000) 165% 99 $84 10-30 kicktraq #con
SPIRIT® SPIRIT® is a Drinking Card Game aimed at both alcohol and non-alcohol drinking players... Yes!! That means ANYONE can play! (Has currently earned £3,382 of £3,000) 112% 87 £39 10-31 kicktraq #take2
Friend Facts - A Game of Conversation! A game that encourages players to put their phones down and truly connect with one another through questions, scenarios, & stories! (Has currently earned $1,609 of $1,000) 160% 44 $37 10-31 kicktraq
PANIC! Panic! is a fun, fast paced, 2 to 8 player card game of commodity trading between the wealthiest of ladies and gentlemen. (Has currently earned $5,734 of $6,800) 84% 218 $26 10-31 kicktraq #take2
Relicblade: The Wretched Hive Fantasy Miniature Game Two new Relicblade Factions. Employ cruel denizens of a dangerous Wretched Hive, or ally yourself with the outlandish Wilderkin. (Has currently earned $27,159 of $10,000) 271% 242 $112 10-31 kicktraq #expansion base game
Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game Expansions The first set of expansions to Gloom of Kilforth the sell-out Fantasy Quest Game, plus the reprint of the original game! (Has currently earned £153,145 of £27,000) 567% 2454 £62 10-31 kicktraq #expansion base game
Hardwood Gaming Accessories/Terrain/Dice Trays/Deck Boxes This campaign shows off some of my most popular items from previous campaigns, along with a few NEW and fun tabletop accessories. (Has currently earned $1,530 of $2,500) 61% 30 $51 10-31 kicktraq #bling
Alien Adventurers - 32mm resin miniatures A collection of alien adventurer character minis. Cast in detailed 32 mm resin for tabletop gamers, collectors, and painters. (Has currently earned $2,062 of $1,500) 137% 59 $35 11-01 kicktraq #minis
Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten: Tabletop Cult Skirmishes A Mythos horror themed tabletop miniature skirmish game that lets you lead your own cult of evil worshippers to glory and infamy! (Has currently earned $17,369 CAD of $15,000 CAD) 115% 154 $113 CAD 11-01 kicktraq
Zombie Doctor - The Zombie Card Game Zombie Doctor is a frantic card-turning game. Amputate, reattach and swap limbs to survive. It's your turn not to turn! (Has currently earned £4,564 of £5,000) 91% 143 £32 11-01 kicktraq
The Hobby Holder - A Better Way to Paint Miniatures An all-in-one holder and grip for miniature painting, sculpting, model building and more. Improve technique and get to your game faster (Has currently earned $69,111 of $16,500) 418% 2076 $33 11-01 kicktraq #bling
Scream or Die! Compete to Collect 13 Candy on Halloween Night in this fast-paced, family friendly dice game for 2-8 monsters. People can play too. (Has currently earned $8,753 of $6,500) 134% 209 $42 11-01 kicktraq #take2
OX the Game OX is a two-player travel game, which combines strategy and luck. It's perfect for any traveller or game lover. Play fast. Play again. (Has currently earned £6,368 of £5,000) 127% 219 £29 11-01 kicktraq
Dice Hospital - a 1-4 player game. Roll, Treat, Discharge! A worker placement and dice manipulation game! Featuring beautiful art, novel mechanics and a unique theme where the dice are patients! (Has currently earned £117,407 of £12,750) 920% 1932 £61 11-01 kicktraq
End of the Trail - Find fortune in the California Gold Rush Search the land, press your luck, pitch your tents, and play your cards right to strike it rich in this game for 2-4 prospectors. (Has currently earned $18,613 of $7,000) 265% 459 $41 11-01 kicktraq
Mazing Board Game Mazing is a 2-4 player board game in which you and your opponents build mazes to block each other and forge your own path to victory! (Has currently earned $8,687 of $10,000) 86% 138 $63 11-02 kicktraq
Mini Gangs Skirmish Game Mini Gangs is a fast to play tabletop skirmish game for 2 or more players. (Has currently earned £2,777 of £2,000) 138% 74 £38 11-02 kicktraq
DinoGenics: Dinosaur Park Management Compete to build the most popular and profitable dinosaur park in this thematic worker placement board game. (Has currently earned $90,166 of $30,000) 300% 1689 $53 11-02 kicktraq #take2
Heavy Metal Thunder Mouse An RPG of Mice and their Motorcycle Clubs (Has currently earned $6,546 of $4,725) 138% 335 $20 11-02 kicktraq #rpg
Coma Ward: The Horror Board Game The suspense-thriller tabletop game that engages the imagination with horror-movie-worthy phenomenon a new nightmare with each play! (Has currently earned $68,263 of $30,000) 227% 860 $79 11-02 kicktraq
Panzer Orders Western Front The World War 2 card game for solitaire and two players (Has currently earned £5,147 of £700) 735% 121 £43 11-02 kicktraq
Diehard Miniatures: Undead Rising. The Undead Rising set will encompass both Fantasy and Sci-Fi miniatures. Small skirmish units to a full army, the choice is yours! (Has currently earned £7,779 of £3,000) 259% 146 £53 11-02 kicktraq #minis
Ember: Ultimate Collection + Limited Edition Wood Deck Boxes The epic creature conjuring game is back for one final roar! Shipping November - get your copy for Christmas! With subsidised shipping! (Has currently earned £6,299 of £500) 1259% 114 £55 11-02 kicktraq #reprint bgg
Munchkin Starfinder A Starfinder-themed version of Munchkin complete with looting, lasers, and levels! (Has currently earned $49,993 of $10,000) 499% 786 $64 11-02 kicktraq #expansion base game
RATLAND: conquest of the sewers! Think like a rat, act like a rat. BE A RAT. Become master of the sewers. But watch out for your neighbors! (Has currently earned $40,314 of $15,000) 268% 1000 $40 11-02 kicktraq
AndoCon 2018 AndoCon 2018 is an Atlanta-based gaming convention focused on gaming and the geeky lifestyle. (Has currently earned $5,930 of $7,000) 84% 63 $94 11-02 kicktraq #con
Haunt the House BOO! Out-ghost your friends! Go invisible to fool your foes or stay visible for awesome powers. 2-4 players, 30 spooktastic minutes! (Has currently earned $26,833 CAD of $8,000 CAD) 335% 624 $43 CAD 11-02 kicktraq
Detective: City of Angels Detective: City of Angels is a board game where detectives solve mysteries in the dark and violent world of 1940's Los Angeles. (Has currently earned $164,351 of $40,000) 410% 1966 $84 11-03 kicktraq
Gangs of Britannia A 3-5 player gangster game. Conquer your rivals' turf by clever dealing or cunning deceiving. Got what it takes to control the streets? (Has currently earned £9,937 of £10,000) 99% 148 £67 11-03 kicktraq
SUMMERTIME by Terrains4Games Incredible summertime wargaming scenery – all terrains are hand-made, painted and ready-to-play. (Has currently earned $1,753 of $1,000) 175% 20 $88 11-03 kicktraq
Balzie the cat : A card picking game; practice your telepathic, mind reading and poker face skills - all while tryin' to keep away Balzie's.. (Has currently earned $763 CAD of $1,500 CAD) 50% 52 $15 CAD 11-03 kicktraq
The Mennonite Game Card Game A fun, strategic card game based on "The Mennonite Game" where people discover that they are connected in various ways! (Has currently earned $7,635 of $3,750) 203% 156 $49 11-03 kicktraq
Near and Far: Amber Mines The first expansion for Near and Far. (Has currently earned $318,936 of $20,000) 1594% 5656 $56 11-03 kicktraq #expansion base game
Park Smarts Adventures Board Games on National Parks Park Smarts Adventures Magnetic Board Games on National Parks Featuring Yellowstone & Grand Canyon National Park. (Has currently earned $27,944 of $7,500) 372% 394 $71 11-04 kicktraq
Patriots & Redcoats A hidden-identity card game of spies, sabotage, & skirmishes during America's War for Independence. 20-min tabletop fun for 4-10 peeps. (Has currently earned $13,571 of $9,999) 135% 286 $47 11-04 kicktraq
INTELLE - Hack or Be Hacked It's hacker vs. hacker and the corporate mainframe is the target in this quick abstract strategy game for 2 players. (Has currently earned $2,064 of $2,000) 103% 87 $24 11-04 kicktraq
Electioneer - Hong Kong Election Board Game Bilingual. Colourful Design. Fun to play. Let's explore HK. (Has currently earned HK$71,449 of HK$65,000) 109% 144 HK$496 11-05 kicktraq #take2
TSUKUYUMI - FULL MOON DOWN - a strategic board game A strategic tabletop board game in which unique, asymmetric factions fight for world domination after the moon crashed into earth. (Has currently earned €69,898 of €36,000) 194% 633 €110 11-05 kicktraq
Common (or Garden) Gnomes A set of 13 detailed male & female 28mm scale gnome miniatures, suitable for all your Fantasy miniature games, from Midlam Miniatures. (Has currently earned £3,706 of £600) 617% 120 £31 11-05 kicktraq #minis
Leviathan 2-player nautical combat "micro" card game inspired by Moby Dick. (Has currently earned $6,839 of $11,000) 62% 259 $26 11-05 kicktraq

New This Week

Project Info Status Backers Avg Pledge Ending Comments
"How Do I Feel?" Emotions Game This hands-on game helps kids identify, communicate, and manage their emotions in a fun and effective way! (Has currently earned $991 of $17,500) 5% 17 $58 11-22
Airborne Commander: SNAFU No plan survives contact with the enemy! Can you handle the New Airborne Commander expansion SNAFU! (Has currently earned $3,278 of $1,000) 327% 217 $15 11-24 #expansion base game
Albedo Albedo is an 8 player* non-party game deck builder with minimum downtime due to simultaneous action selection. (with two game boxes) *(Has currently earned €342 of €5,000) 6% 10 €34 11-26
Ancient Aliens - Creators of Civilization Use your alien race & technology to improve your humans to civilized stage. For 2-4 players, ages 12+. Playing time 60-90 minutes. (Has currently earned kr30,795 SEK of kr140,000 SEK) 21% 36 kr855 SEK 11-22 #take2
Aydolon: Age of Heroes A game of fierce, exciting action where players team up to defeat challenging boss monsters. (Has currently earned $435 of $6,500) 6% 8 $54 11-17
BEERtle Royale BEERtle Royale is a drinking-battle-card game where your drink is your life! (Has currently earned $631 of $5,000) 12% 8 $79 #lolwut
Best Treehouse Ever: Forest of Fun by Scott Almes. Explore the forest in this stand-alone sequel to Best Treehouse Ever that expands the Golden Geek nominee to play up to 8 players! (Has currently earned $17,185 of $15,000) 114% 453 $38 11-09
Bigfoot vs. Yeti A battle is brewing between Bigfoot the king of cryptids and his abominable cousin the Yeti, who is sick of being left out in the cold. (Has currently earned $2,300 of $6,000) 38% 108 $21 11-21
Calling the Shots! Game Night and Movie Night team up in this fast-paced card game that you play while watching ANY action movie. (Has currently earned $1,935 of $17,000) 11% 27 $72 11-25
Cannon Fodder Miniatures 3d Printed miniatures compatible with popular tabletop games! (Has currently earned $212 of $1,000) 21% 4 $53 11-24 #minis
Castle Madness A Lovecraftian cult-building game for 2-4 players, in which you are the Old One! (Has currently earned €1,281 of €32,000) 4% 29 €44 11-28
Commander Cube A subscription box delivering custom, curated card combos, booster packs and MtG "Sideboard" items straight to your door! (Has currently earned $2,402 of $1,000) 240% 33 $73 11-21
Conspiracy Theory Trivia Board Game Conspiracy Theory exposes a vast array of internet conspiracies ranging from the scarily believable to the hilariously funny. (Has currently earned $2,457 of $3,000) 81% 47 $52 11-17
Cowboys Rebranded A remastering of Worthingtons COWBOYS game, plastic tracking bases, new game board,rules and cards and scenarios. For 1 to 10 players. (Has currently earned $12,493 of $20,000) 62% 158 $79 11-06
Curse of the Farmer's Wife. A Pie Rats expansion Curse of the Farmer's Wife - an expansion for the game Pie Rats of the Carob Bean Farm. (Has currently earned $967 of $3,000) 32% 35 $28 11-23 #expansion base game
Dark Mages: Mini-Campaign Your chance to get your copy of Dark Mages, a fantasy card game combining dice rolling and RPG. (Has currently earned $4,743 CAD of $100 CAD) 4743% 74 $64 CAD 11-07
Dead Sprint A tile based board game that tasks 2-5 players with outrunning a horde of the undead! Use weapons, items and your wit to stay alive! (Has currently earned $1,769 of $30,000) 5% 17 $104 11-26
Dodgeball with Babies, Dragons, Kittens and Puppies Get ready for the epic dodgeball showdown between babies, dragons, kittens, and puppies in this action-packed and strategic card game! (Has currently earned $15,513 of $10,000) 155% 227 $68 12-06
Donald Trump Satire Trading Card Game A satirical Trading card game based off Donald Trump *(Has currently earned $0 of $2000) 0% 11-27 #lolwut
Dragon Bagons; CR10 dragon dicebags Do you have a hoard that needs guarding? A dragon could be your greatest ally. (Has currently earned $13,714 NZD of $26,500 NZD) 51% 177 $77 NZD 11-21 #bling
Dreamcatcher Catch nightmares as a divine entity in a rapid card game of trickery and risk. (Has currently earned €1,894 of €19,000) 9% 81 €23 11-22
Echidna Shuffle Relaunch Echidna Shuffle is a fun, easy and unique pick-up and delivery game for the whole family! (Has currently earned $4,028 of $5,000) 80% 133 $30 11-24 #take2
Ember: Ultimate Collection + Limited Edition Wood Deck Boxes The epic creature conjuring game is back for one final roar! Shipping November - get your copy for Christmas! With subsidised shipping! (Has currently earned £6,299 of £500) 1259% 114 £55 11-02 #reprint bgg
Epic Monster Tea Party A 20-minute, family-fun, fantasy tabletop game about monsters making a tasty tea full of victory points out of heroes! (Has currently earned $2,642 of $3,000) 88% 86 $31 11-28
Fear the Con 2018: This Con Goes to 11! Fear the Con, small enough to say "just show up and game," is back and you can help make it happen! (Has currently earned $3,700 of $6,000) 61% 34 $109 11-13 #con
Folded Space - Board Game Inserts and Organisers Board game inserts that are affordable enough to add improved game play and secure storage to many of your favourite games. (Has currently earned £6,856 of £8,500) 80% 295 £23 11-23 #bling
Full Moon Jacket Vietnam, 1968: You're elite soldiers on a special rescue mission. There's one catch, the night is coming and so are the Werewolves! (Has currently earned £28,164 of £35,000) 80% 436 £65 11-22
Gamer Nation Con 5: The Order of the Gamers The bestest 4 days of tabletop gaming is back for their 5th year! Join us in Plano, TX April 5-8 and be a part of the Gamer Nation! (Has currently earned $7,325 of $4,500) 162% 64 $114 11-22 #con
Gobblin' Goblins: The 'Orrible Eat-A-Thon Card Game Defeat your opponents by being the greediest goblin in a sneaky battle for gross gourmet food! (Has currently earned £1,880 of £5,500) 34% 73 £26 11-26
Hey There Fatty! By counting calories, going to the gym, and yes, even hosting a potluck, you can strategize to beat your friends and family. (Has currently earned $591 of $2,500) 23% 19 $31 11-22
Historical Conquest 2.0 We are starting an Education Revolution creating games similar to pop-culture games to excite players while learning something valuable (Has currently earned $8,935 of $57,000) 15% 48 $186 11-28 #2.0 1st ed
Kamigami Battles: A Reimagining of Kanzume Goddess Choose a God, recruit Warriors and battle for control of the Realm in this epic PVP deck-building card game for 2-6 players! (Has currently earned $46,564 of $25,000) 186% 323 $144 11-16
Kingship - The Card Game It's Medieval Crazy Eights! Cards are powerful when possessed in numbers, but only the first player to discard them all wins the game. (Has currently earned $1,045 CAD of $1,400 CAD) 74% 23 $45 CAD 11-15
KOLORS Kolors is a joy to play. It has its own unique elements that make the game special. Once you play Kolors, you will fall in love with it (Has currently earned $60 of $19,500) 0% 2 $30 11-29 #lolwut
Legacy Vault limited edition - Fang 'n Hood For all collectors, painters and gamers: a limited edition model created to celebrate this 2017 Halloween in a fantasy style! (Has currently earned €19,138 of €1,000) 1913% 296 €65 11-23 #minis
Lockwood's Asylum Lockwood's Asylum: A survival horror deck-building game where you build the opponent's deck! Gather allies, fight monsters, stay alive! (Has currently earned $4,051 of $9,000) 45% 72 $56 11-27
Marbowling A live-action board game that has been called "Addicting". We don't create board games, We create "Trick-Shooting Social Mega-Stars!" (Has currently earned $3,441 of $5,000) 68% 23 $150 11-23
Monsters!! - An Original Card Game Have you got what it takes to be the best monster and impress Dracula himself. Play this game with friends to find out. (Has currently earned £26 of £5,000) 0% 1 £5 11-24 #lolwut
Munchkin Starfinder A Starfinder-themed version of Munchkin complete with looting, lasers, and levels! (Has currently earned $49,993 of $10,000) 499% 786 $64 11-02 #expansion base game
Nighthawk Counters Premium hand-finished life counters and gaming accessories that look better and work better. (Has currently earned $1,883 CAD of $5,000 CAD) 37% 25 $75 CAD 11-23 #bling
Odd Fellows Youth Center We are a group of gamers and kids in a small town with the goal of creating a safe place for social gaming and events. (Has currently earned $1,176 of $20,000) 5% 13 $90 11-26 #cafe
Okko Chronicles Become a demon hunter as you track down and defeat the evil Oni in this miniatures game set in a fantasy feudal Japan! (Has currently earned €73,730 of €40,000) 184% 892 €83 11-16
Pakli - the mobile app for board gamers Pakli is a free, community-driven application, that connects board gamers and helps you organize game nights easily. (Has currently earned £987 of £30,000) 3% 54 £18 11-20 #app
Pigment - A Game for 2-3 Renaissance Painters Paint the works of the Renaissance masters in this fast, elegant, and portable worker placement game. (Has currently earned $5,610 of $8,000) 70% 205 $27 11-23
Plan 9 from Outer Space: The Deckbuilding Game Use your STUPID MINDS to build a deck of heroes from the Ed Wood classic "Plan 9 from Outer Space" and save humanity!! (Has currently earned $3,660 of $13,000) 28% 67 $55 11-23
Potlatch: A Card Game About Coast Salish Economics Potlatch is a card game based on indigenous economic systems of sharing, gifting, and status. It uses both English and Lushootseed. (Has currently earned $4,817 of $2,500) 192% 155 $31 12-22
QED - Quod Erat Disputandum Win debate battles against your fellow students at night by managing your time and resources wisely during the day. (Has currently earned £1,589 of £12,000) 13% 28 £57 11-25
Renown - The Game is a round based, highly strategic card game with mischevious gameplay for 2-4 players, in which four races fight for your glory. (Has currently earned €1,997 of €5,000) 39% 60 €33 11-22
Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right With creatures and cunning, you'll rule a fantastic forest kingdom in the ultimate asymmetric game of adventure and war. (Has currently earned $140,100 of $24,000) 583% 1904 $74 11-21
Sarah's Singularity A light, somewhat silly tactical game for 2-6 time travelers. (Has currently earned $6,155 of $15,000) 41% 169 $36 11-14
Shifting Realms Shifting Realms delivers a unique euro gaming experience every time you play it. It was created by Craig Van Ness and Jeff Van Ness. (Has currently earned $11,319 of $10,000) 113% 177 $64 11-24 #take2
Space Antimatter Space Antimatter the cards game. A really funny game based in cards. The game system is strategic. Play with your friends everywhere. (Has currently earned €476 of €25,000) 1% 17 €28 12-22
Speakeasy Blues By Sagrada's designers: Run a 1920s Speakeasy with celebrities, cops, gangsters, bootleg hooch, flappers, bling, sweet jazz, and more! (Has currently earned $14,034 of $5,000) 280% 259 $54 11-16
Storm Hollow: Call to Adventure Answer the call and discover Storm Hollow, a component-rich RPG for all ages. Delightful as your dreams, or as dark as your doubts... (Has currently earned $3,821 of $35,000) 10% 60 $64 11-09 #rpg
TREE TOP HOP: The Big Board Game for Little Spellers A full sized, adult style board game for kids where young explorers race and hop across the treetops on a spelling adventure! (Has currently earned $1,607 of $12,500) 12% 13 $124 11-28
Twenty Six Test your wits You must be quick Cause all you've got Is 26! (Has currently earned $203 of $2,220) 9% 7 $29 11-23 #lolwut
WatUR: Royal Game of UR, ModURnized The ancient two-player race game from the cradle of civilization gets upgraded with printed circuit board technology (Has currently earned $495 of $7,350) 6% 10 $50 11-16
Who Gets the Glory Who Gets the Glory is a fast paced adventure Table top game. (Has currently earned $0 of $5,000) 0% 0 NA 12-01 #lolwut
Wiener Takes All Welcome to the sausage festival! Flirt with the vendors to get their wieners! Whoever scores the most and the biggest wins! (Has currently earned $1,674 of $39,000) 4% 48 $35 11-27
Zoomaka - The animal card game! A strategic card game with a lot of Take that! Compete with friends and be the first to open your Zoo. (Has currently earned kr28,157 SEK of kr30,000 SEK) 93% 93 kr303 SEK 11-15 #take2
Looking for more comprehensive Kickstarter gaming information? Check out the meta listings on BGG, explore Kicktraq's data-driven views, or, of course, Kickstater's Tabletop Category.


  • #hmm means that something about the project seems a little off. Buyer beware kinda thing.
  • #lolwut is reserved for projects that seem like trainwrecks. Check 'em out for amusement.
  • #take tags are for projects that have been restarted for some reason, with the number indicating what iteration we're currently on.
  • Did I miss something? Particularly stuff that might go in the Comments column? Let me know and I'll add it in.
Tip Jar - Keep me in Kickstarter money.
submitted by Zelbinian to boardgames [link] [comments]

New Chips. Let me hear the GOOD and the BAD!

Hey guys,

About a year ago I released and sold my company's first poker set and this sub-reddit was able to give me the best and most honest feedback as true poker fans and players. I loved it all and it helped me get clear on a lot of things. I was hoping you guys would give me your thoughts on our new poker set. Let me hear what you like and don't like about the design of the chips. I am trying to make the best products for people like you and I can only do that by listening to what you guys want.

A couple of important notes:
Let me know what you guys like and don't like. We plan to do yearly releases and this set will not last much longer. We want to start working on next years set very early. What would you guys like to see? What kind of designs or chip characteristics are you really wishing were available?

Can't remember if I am allowed to post our website. But to see some photos of the chips you can checkout our instagram page at

Thanks for the feedback!
submitted by ChasingGraphics to poker [link] [comments]

Respect Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)

The future isn't a path, it's like an endless sea... You can try to go anywhere... But it doesn't mean you'll get there. Even so, I will keep on living. I will keep on living as Hajime Hinata. My future...lies here.
A normal person with absolutely no talent whatsoever, Hajime Hinata dreamed of having a talent to enter the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy. Unfortunately for him, he entered the Reverse Course of said academy, where it costed a fortune, which his parents could not afford for a long time.
Burning with admiration and envy towards the incredibly gifted students that populated the academy, Hajime willingly became the subject of the Hope Cultivation Program in hopes of obtaining a talent of his own. Unbeknownst to him, the procedure involved massive modifications to his brain that nearly drove him to insanity before he was lobotomized, effectively banishing his feelings, memories, hobbies, and his very identity to the darkest recesses of his mind.
Now imbued with the talents of every student who had ever attended Hope's Peak Academy, as well as every talent known to humanity, Hajime was reborn as Izuru Kamukura. Named after Hope's Peak's founder, the academy hoped that the newly created epitome of talent would lead humanity to a golden age as the so called "Ultimate Hope". But for all his talent, Izuru cared little for the talentless "ticks" that populated the world, and thus allowed the world to fall into despair as part of Junko Enoshima's Rampage. After witnessing Chiaki Nanami's death and the fond words she had for him, Kamukura decided to determine which was more unpredictable: despair or hope. Uploading Junko Enoshima's A.I. into the Future Foundation's Neo World Program, Izuru himself entered it to observe his experiment firsthand, purposefully wiping the memories of his classmates in order to have an unbiased view.
After reaching an epiphany about his identity and coming to terms with his actions, Hajime's and Izuru's personalities mingled, placing Hajime in control while retaining all of his amazing talents. He then sets out to end Enoshima's lingering influence once and for all, reforming the Remnants of Despair (His former classmates), and coming into conflict with the Future Foundation in the process.
After saving Makoto Naegi and his friends from the Last Killing Game, which was masterminded by Monaca Towa inside the Future Foundation Headquarters, Hajime left the country alongside his classmates, departing with them to live in Jabberwock Island, entrusting the hope of the world to Makoto.
Important Note: This thread shall be split into three sections: Pre-Project Kamukura Hajime, Izuru, and Fusion Hajime/Izuru.
1st: Hajime Hinata:
Ultimate Serenity:
Hajime has shown great counselling skills that while it is indeed not an Ultimate Talent, it was stated by several characters that it borders on one. Said ability allows him to make other people feel more relaxed and talk about their issues.
2nd: Izuru Kamukura:
The end results of Project Kamukura, Hajime had multiple modifications to his brain that would outright lead to madness and brain-breaking, before he was lobotomized, turning him into Izuru, who was named after the founder of Hope's Peak Academy, having been given every single talent known to humanity to create a thing that would take down all the despair in the world and end it.
The pinnacle of all talent, Izuru has every single talent known to humanity, but its effectiveness is multipled by a quintillion fold.
Note: While it's debatable that DRV3 is not related to DR 1,2 and 3, due to the fact that Izuru is the pinnacle of all talent, it should be safely assumed that Izuru has all of their talents as well.
It should be noted that this is merely a fraction of his talents, as he has every single talent known to humanity.
Also, keep in mind that he would have every single item known in the Danganronpa multiverse, as well as to humanity, so the items and weapons that are found in the Danganronpa multiverse are out of question.
3rd: Fusion Hajime/Izuru:
Following the end of Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, Hajime and Izuru's personalities merged together, making Hajime in control, but with all of Izuru's amazing talents. It should be noted that as a completely motivated person, Hajime's abilities should be way above that of Izuru, and that all of his feats should be far more greater than that of Izuru.
submitted by ShadowOtsutsuki to danganronpa [link] [comments]

HelpMeFind - A box for holding coins

I'm looking for a case of some kind that can comfortably fit 100 gold dollar coins. Preferably one that looks nice, dark wood and a velvet interior. Coins do not need to be visible necessarily, just looking for a high quality holder for our poker game chips. (We actually use the gold dollar coins instead of plastic chips.)
I would also be interested if anyone can find a dark wood (cherry or mahogany) poke chip case, but in briefcase form. All the ones I can find are metal.
EDIT: We found one we like here, but I am still looking for more suggestions.
submitted by ScrumTool to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

A list of oil derived products and a question.

People say we'll be able to all switch to electric cars when we start running out of oil. That may be the case, but how are we going to make/synthesize all the other things we derive from it?
• plastic ties • row cover • irrigation piping • polyethylene • polypropylene • bags and packaging • pesticides and herbicides • food preservatives • fertilizers
Clothing and Textiles
• ballet tights • nylon cord • everything polyester: blouses, pants, pajamas etc. • everything permanent press: shirts, dresses etc. • beads • bracelets • pantyhose • nylon zippers • plastic hangers • purses • thongs and flip flops • earrings • ribbons • fake fur • windbreakers • sandals • garment bags • shoe laces • rain coats • iron-on patches • sneakers • sweaters • sofa pillow material • tote bags • umbrellas
Around the Office
• ball point pens • diskettes • thermometer • Ink • computers • business card holders • copiers • waste baskets • calculators • printer cartridges • microfilm • name tags • binders • erasers • rulers • scotch tape • magic markers • telephones
Sports, Hobbies and Games
• backpacks • fishing lures • air mattresses • cameras • beach balls • fishing poles • hang gliders • vinyl cases • footballs • glue containers • puzzles • darts • Frisbees • golf ball and golf bags • shotgun shells • ear plugs • knitting needles • waterproof clothing • stadium cushions • earphones • yarn • kites • tennis racquets • fabric dye • decoys • lifejackets • nylon strings • face protectors • volley balls • model cars • plastic water guns • fishing bobbers • soccer balls • oil paints • parachutes • fishing cylume • light sticks • earphones • playing cards • photographs • monofilament fishing lines • diving boards • poker chips • goggles • rollerskate and skateboard wheels • whistles • guitar strings • picks • rafts • ice chests • tents • sleeping bags • pole vaulting poles • motorcycle helmets • skis, water skis • rubber cement • plastic flowerpots • hot tub covers • sails • snorkels • monkey bars • photo albums • wet suits • flippers • tennis balls • boats • insulated boots
Infants and Children
• acrylic toys • baby oil • laundry baskets • waterproof pants • baby aspirin • bath soap • mittens • pacifiers • baby blankets • bibs • rattles • doubleknit shirts • baby bottles • disposable diapers • baby shoes • teething rings • nipples and binkies • dolls • stuffed animals • baby lotion
Sports, Hobbies and Games
• allergy medication • cotton-tipped swabs • inhalers • liquid Pepto-Bismol • aspirin • first aid cream • lancets • pill cases • band aids • first aid kits • latex gloves • prescription bottles • burn lotion • glycerin • mosquito spray • rubbing alcohol • chap stick • heart valve replacement • nasal decongestant • surgical tape • syringes • Vaseline • antiseptics • hearing aids • anesthetics • artificial limbs • eyeglasses and sunglasses • antihistamines • cortisone • vaporizers • denture adhesives • laxatives • Bactine • oxygen masks • stethoscopes • prescription glasses • cough syrup • hearing aids
Kitchen and Household
• vinegar bottles • egg cartons • meat trays • trash bags • breadboxes • freezer containers • melamine dishware • tumblers • cake decorations • jars • microwave dishes • utensils • candles • freezer bags • milk jugs • vacuum bottles • coasters • gelatin molds • nylon spatulas • wax paper • coffee pots • ice cream scoops • oven bags • mops • drinking cups • ice trays • plastic containers • fabric softener • detergent bottles • plastic table service • drain stoppers • dish drainers • lunch boxes • pudding molds • sponges • dish scrubbers • brushes • baggies • drinking straws • Styrofoam • paper cup dispensers • measuring cups • Teflon coated pans • table cloths • refrigerator shelves
• cologne • hair brushes • lipstick • permanent wave curlers • perfume • hair color • mascara • petroleum jelly • comb • foam rubber curlers • shampoo • contact lenses and cases • hair spray • hand lotion • shaving foam • hair dryers • shoe inserts • dentures • body lotion • face masks • skin cleanser • deodorants • moisturizing cream • soap holders • disposable razors • leather conditioner • mouthwash • sunglasses • facial toner • lens cleanser • nail polish • sunscreen • tooth brushes • toothpaste tubes • vitamins • synthetic wigs • bubble bath • soap capsules
• carpet padding • Naugahyde • Venetian blinds • TV cabinets • extension cords • picture frames • flocked wallpaper • shower doors • Formica • refrigerator lining • vinyl wallpaper • curtains • kitchen carpet • shag carpet • welcome mats • fan blades • lamps • shower curtain • patio furniture • swings • linoleum • upholstery • rugs
Building and Home
• caulking material • light switch plates • plungers • faucet washers • clotheslines • measuring tape • polyurethane stain • water pipes • electric saws • paintbrushes • propane bottles • wood floor cleanewax • vinyl electrical tape • plastic pipe • shingles (asphalt) • light panels • garden hoses • plastic wood spackling paste • awnings • glazing compound • Plexiglas • spray paint • enamel • epoxy paint • artificial turf • folding doors • floor wax • glue • house paint • paint rollers • toilet seats • water pipes • putty • solvents • roofing material • plywood adhesive • sockets • propane
• antifreeze • flat tire fix • street paving (asphalt) • car battery cases • coolant • motor oil • tires • loud speakers • bearing grease • sports car bodies • traffic cones • car enamel • brake fluid • dashboards • windshield wipers • visors • car sound insulation • oil filters • car seats • convertible tops • fan belts • gasoline
• ash trays • dog food dishes • toolboxes • CDs and DVDs • balloons • dog leashes • tape recorders • synthetic rubber • bubble gum • dog toys • flashlights • nylon ropes • bungee straps • flight bags • disposable lighters • cassette player • flea collars • flutes • lighter fluid • cigarette cases • electric blankets • tool racks • name tags • cigarette filters • ammonia • newspaper tubes • calibrated containers • insect repellent • phonograph records (vinyl) • crayons • ice buckets • dyes • pillows • credit cards • flashlights • fly swatters • plastic cup holders • dice • movie and camera film • k-resin • rain bonnets • luggage • video cassettes • charcoal lighter • rayon • safety glasses, gloves, hats • shoe polish • signs • cassette tapes • toys • watch bands • waterproof boots • shopping bags • bedspreads • checkbooks • covers • tobacco pouches • clothes hangers • flea collars • flavors • masking tape • safety flares • flags • butane
submitted by geosmin to askscience [link] [comments]

Online Auction, Near Pittsburgh, PA.

Bid On Estates Auction Company Online Bidding Only
We combined items from several sources, so we are pleased to present this large and diverse auction. Some good early farm equipment from a Baden, PA Farm. Nice, early cast iron toys and other antiques from an East Rochester estate. Plus lots of general household type items from local consignors. It's been a lot of fun sifting through this one, lots of good, early, and unique items.
WHEN AND WHERE: Auction Preview and Pickups will be at
124 Hinds Street, Rochester, PA 15074
Preview: Saturday, January 2nd, from 10 am until Noon..
Auction Date: Wednesday, January 6th at 7:00 pm. (online bidding only)
Auction Pick Up: Sunday, January 10th, from 10 am until 2 pm.
13% BUYERS PREMIUM ON THIS SALE or 10% Buyers Premium on Cash or Checks. 6% Sales Tax Collected, if applicable.
Please DO NOT BID if you cannot pick up or pay!
Bidders who do not show are subject to having their credit card charged for all bids and having items forfeited, plus disposal fees if applicable.
If you encounter problems, call us asap so we can figure out alternative plans, we will work with you as much as possible, as long as there is open communication.
Included in this auction...
(sorry the list doesn't stay formatted and becomes a run on paragraph, just go to the website, it is much easier to see everything there, plus it has a search feature)
FARM1. Farmall Tractor, it is not running but the engine is free and not seized up. Oklahoma tractor, nice sun baked patina., Serial Number indicates from 1948. FARM2. Large Antique Belt Driven Commercial Size Grinding Wheel FARM3. Antique Silo Filler / Chopper with Wooden Conveyor Belt and Metal Chutes. FARM4. Antique Cub Plow FARM5. Antique Horse Drawn Double Bottom Plow FARM6. 3 Point Hitch Sprayer System Fiberglass Tank FARM7. Truck Bed Rack with Window Safety Grate FARM8. Antique Wine Press, a very large one. FARM9. Belt Tracks from a Skid Steer or Tracked Excavator. Size 400 wide, 74 link. FARM10. Pair of Tractor Tires, decorative use only. FARM11. Wheel Horse Pond With Wisconsin Air Cooled Motor FARM12. Hydraulic Log Splitter, for parts or repair, will need motor. FARM13. Higher End Designer Coffee Table, marble crescents supporting triangular glass top. FARM14. Designer Side Table FARM15. Hi-Point Pistol. With Tiger Striped Pink Durabond Coating. Pictures to come shortly.
Pass/Fail Background Check is Required at an additional cost of $20.00. Please contact for additional details. FARM16. Antique Grinding Stone FARM17. Natural Gas Furnace, Dayton Electric Mfg. Co., Model 4LX56, 150,000 BTU. Was pulled from a building being demolished and apparently was working. FARM18. Antique Briggs and Stratton Engine FARM19. Antique Piston, maybe for a hit and miss engine? FARM20. Vintage Enamel Top Farmhouse Table FARM21. Farmhouse Door and Aluminum Screen Door FARM22. Pair of Carlisle Equipment Tires, 26x12.00-12NHS FARM23. Set of Four Michelin LT265/70R18 Truck Tires, all very good. FARM24. Triplex 2 Ton Chain Hoist FARM25. Pair of Antique Sleds. Were used to replace the carriage's wheels in the winter. FARM26. 2 Antique Iron Wheels. FARM27. Antique Metal Wheel FARM28. 2 Antique Iron Wheels. FARM29. Old Lime Spreader for Marking Lines on Baseball Fields FARM30. Antique Tractor Wheel FARM31. Antique Tractor Wheel FARM32. Antique Tractor Wheel FARM33. 2 Large Steel Wagon or Cart Wheels. FARM34. Boy's Mongoose BMX Bicycle, looks almost new. FARM35. Air Tool 1 FARM36. Air Tool 2 FARM37. Air Tool 3 1 Uncle Sam at the World's Fair Calliope (Harmonica) Printed 1889, B&R Manufacturing Company. Wood with Paper Label. 6.25” long. 2 3 Tin Type Photographs in Cases 3 3 Tin Type Photographs of Children 4 Miniature Books and Tin Type Photograph Tiny Library Dew Drops, Bible 5 Early 20th Century Wire Rim Glasses 6 Metal / Wood Mechanical Noise Maker and Miniature Cauldron “The Home” 7 Twainware (as in Mark Twain) Vase. “Tom Sawyer” by Rozart. 10.5 tall. 8 Large Collection of Antique Cast Iron Toys, mostly Farm Related. 9 Celluloid and Composition with Felt Toy Animals Several with Made in Japan Stickers underneath. 10 Lot of Travel (Mostly Florida) Postcards, 1950s era. 11 Postcards and 1960's pamphlet on how to play Third Base. 12 Lionel or 0-Gauge Model Train Billboards 13 Lionel Lionelville Coin Sorting Bank, needs TLC 14 American Steel Magazine Foundries “The Octagon” from June 1927 and June 1928. Pittsburgh, Sharon, Verona, etc. 15 Sewickley Centennial 1840-1940. Filled with tons of great articles, photographs, and local vintage advertising. 16 Original Walt Disney presents Fantasia Movie Program, Large Program Souvenir, Copyrighted 1940 17 Souvenir Book for Irving Berlin's “This Is The Army” with additional local pamphlet from Pittsburgh's Nixon Theatre 18 Playbill Programs. Maude Adams as L'aiglon, The Marlow Book (apparently signed by the publisher R.H. Russell), and the Little Minister. Also two Color Plates by J.F. Earhart. 19 Various Musical Programs / Brochures. Gone With the Wind, 2 copies of George Geshwin's Memorial Concert, Hurok's “The Piccoli”, and Maurice Evans presents Macbeth. 20 1890 Souvenir Programme of Shakespeare's The Tempest (autographed), 44 Illustrationen of Schloss Nymphenburg by Freidrich Oertel, and Pictorial Book of Roma (Rome). 21 4 Volumes of the One Hundred Crowned Masterpieces of Painting from the Paris Exhibition, Salon, Etc. The Grand Imperial Japan Edition. 4 Large Format portfolios containing various plates along with tales of inspiration and artist's biography. Pages are loose, plates appear out of order, some may be missing. 22 Sailing Prints by John O'Hara Cosgrave II plus reprints from Currier and Ives from 1960's calendar. 23 Large Kate Greenaway Coloring Book, with lid to the box, by Red Farms Studios 24 Prints. 18 Best Loved Bird Paintings by Audubon. 12” x 9” 25 USS Akron Airship Souvenir Book. Copyright 1931, very Art Deco styling. 26 French Map Book, Fontainebleau, Olga Nethersole Pictorial Book 27 The Pymatuning State Game Refuge and Museum Guide Book, from 1939 28 Ignacio Zuloaga, 12 Kunstdrucke Aus Der Jugend. Book of Prints. 29 Book. Advanced Geography, Pennsylvania Edition by Eliza H Morton, 1897 30 Book. Topographical Atlas of the State of Pennsylvania. Printed by Stedman, Brown, & Lyon of Philadelphia in 1872. Not perfect, but definitely a decent copy. Looks complete, some loss to the outer binding, some pages a little dirty, but overall, a very decent book. 31 Book. Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World with Descriptions. Printed by Johnson and Ward, New York in 1864. First dozen or so pages show wear, after that becomes a very clean book. 32 Book. Edwardian Era Scrapbook filled with postcards, old advertising, calling cards, etc. This is such a lovely book, each page is filled with wonderful, early images. 33 Painting. 19th Century Oil on Canvas of St. Bernard Dog. The canvas is 12” wide, 14” tall. I do not see a signature. Canvas with several puncture marks and the frame's gilt gesso is coming off. Label on back for Henry M. Taws, 920 Arch Street of Philadelphia. 34 Magic Lantern Glass Slides, late 19th century, 7” wide. 35 Books. Lot of Beadle's Dime. Beadle and Adams Dialogues, 1880's. 36 WWII Collectors pay attention to this one, interesting stuff! Folder full of World War II Paper and Propaganda, most marked “Restricted”, many include US Air Force type written translations, includes examples of pro-Allied pamphlets dropped over Germany with translations. 37 Toy Fighter Planes. Hubley, Tootsietoy, etc. A few with rebuilt or missing rear wings. 38 Additional Lot of Toy Fighter Planes. 39 Cast Iron Toy Figures. Lot of seated Chauffeur drivers for Arcade Hubley Kenton Kilgore Dayton Type Cars and Wagons. 40 Cast Iron and Composition Toys, several with repairs. 41 Cast Iron Toy Soldiers, Down Hill Skiers, Cars (broken wheels) 42 Cast Iron Cowboys and Indians, in older Eccles Brothers Molding Box. 43 Cast Iron Toy Soldiers, WWI 44 Cast Iron Cowboys, Indians, WWI Soldiers, Brass Elephant, Workers, and Flute Playing Bear. 45 Cast Iron Figures including Giraffe. 46 Celluloid Donkey Bobble and Cast Iron Donkey Bank. Souvenir from Grand View Point, PA 47 Early Cast Iron Elephant Arcade Toy 48 Antique Wind Up Mechanical Tin Toy. “Tombo, The Alabama Coon Jigger” by Strauss Manufacturing of New York. The paint is really good, missing one arm. Will operate but requires assistance to start. 49 Mechanical Tin Litho Toy, Flipo Dog, See Him Jump by Louis Marx and Co., New York. Operational and appears to be working fine. 50 Mechanical Bug. Wind Up Tin Litho Beetle. Operational and appears to be working fine. 51 Two Draw Back Bugs by Animate Toy. Lady Bug and Brazilian Beetle. Both seem to have the wheel stuck. 52 Walking Goat Toy. Vintage Mechanical Japanese Wind Up, Made in Japan, KSK Design. Operational, box is excellent, small cracks in head. 53 19th C. Mechanical Clockwork Frog. Metal with Wood Base. Missing one leg. 54 Collection of MG Roadster Model Metal Toy Cars. Rossmoyne, Hubley Kiddie, Tootsietoy. The large rossmoyne missing windshield. 55 Weeden Pulley Bar for Steam Powered Engine Layout plus Tin Bank from Washington Trust Company. 56 Early Antique Baby Doll with Sleepy Eyes. Many conditional issues. 57 19th C. Articulated Negro or African American Doll. Folk Art Black Americana. Right hand missing fingers. 58 2 Books. Collecting Toys No. 7 & 8. 59 Book. Great Toys, Marklin 1895-1914 60 Book. American Toy Cars & Trucks, Lillian Gottschalk. 61 Book. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Metal Toys by Harmony Books 62 2 Books. Collecting Toy Trains and The Collector's All Color Guide to Collecting Toy Trains 63 Vintage Model Train Manuals and Brochures. 1955 Fleischmann, 1968 Scale Model Railroading, 1951 Manual for Tinplaters, 1956 E&H Model Hobbies, 1939 Model Railways, Lionel, 1955 Walther's Catalog. 64 Miniature Cast Iron “Alaska” Brand Ice Box. Top door will fall off when opened because upper hinge broken, but stays in place with door closed just fine. Underside marked 1460 10 65 Miniature Pocket Knives (pocket knife) including Advertising for Champion Rivet Co. of Cleveland, OH and US Plug and Fitting Co. of Canton. Also watch fob chain. 66 Rock Island Lines (railroad) Pocket Knife, Imperial Blade 67 Pocket Knives including Keen Kutter Stag Type Handle, Deputy Sheriff, plus other. 68 Local Advertising Knives. Babcock and Wilcox, Beaver Falls Savings & Loan (original wax packaging) and Bloom Engineering of Pittsburgh Magnet. 69 Ink Print Blocks of Antique Cars, plus Rooster and Piano. 70 Antique Photographs (tin types), Silhouette, Glass Magnifier. 71 Turn of the Century Family Photograph Portrait 72 Religious Prints with Embossed Gold Relief and Embroidered Paper. 73 2 Vintage Prints in Ornate Gold Frames, one with a tear. 74 Lot of Picture Frames and J.F. Tallis Map of the Western Hemisphere 75 Currier and Ives Prints of Morning and Evening Prayer, and Hundred Year Rose 76 Mid 19th Century, Empire Style, Mirror with Reverse Painted Glass Upper Panel. 77 3 Walking Sticks or Canes 78 Lionel Wartime Freight Train. Copyrighted in 1943, steel was being reserved for the war, hence the paper train set. Mostly complete, many unpunched pages. 79 6 Dorothy Ellen Clipper Ship Tile Wall Plaques. 80 Victorian Era Baby Rattle, Sterling Silver with Mother of Pearl. Hallmarked C&N, Made in England. 81 Victorian / Edwardian Era Brooch 82 Pin, Marked 14kt (gold) in antique souvenir box. Weighs .07 troy ounces. 83 Carved White / Celadon Jade Plaque, 126.9 grams 84 Carved Brise Fan, bone? Crack where looped handle meets pin. 85 Lady's Chain Mesh Purse in Gold Wash with Small Powder Case. 86 Victorian Vinaigrette for Smelling Scents (salts) Necklace Pendant, thin shell body. 87 19th C. Clock's Pendulum 88 Antique Large 2” German Sulphide Glass Marble Shooter with Bird, lots of wear and craters. 89 Pocket Watch Chocolate Mold. 90 Steam Activated Bird Whistle and Very Delicate Mercury Glass Clip On Bird Ornament. 91 19th C. Carved Bone and Mother of Pearl Sewing Tools, Glove Spreaders, Hooks and Utensils, Ornately Carved Sewing Needle Case, and Risque Leg. 92 Risque Ladies Leg, metal, a handle for something? And, hand tool or key for something. If anyone knows what either of these are for, I'd love to know... 93 Small Cast Steel Figure or Statue holding a Ring. 94 Antique Veronica Veil Holy Relic and Brass Altar Crucifix. I knew it was a relic, but was curious to know a little more about it. (From In the Vatican, when Veronica's veil became very vivid and glowed in front of all present while on display, it became a custom in the Vatican to display Veronica's veil every year afterward on Passion Sunday for veneration to the public. Each year, effigies/drawings were created of Veronica's veil (usually about 15" x 12"), then touched to the original veil, to a relic of the true cross, and to the spear that pierced Christ's side. From there, a text description was placed at the bottom (or on the back) of the relic, and the Pope imprinted a wax seal on each. This practice was continued for about 50 years. Estimate $200 to $400. 95 Art Nouveau Photograph Frame, c. 1900. Depicting a pair of stylized Dragons. 96 Yearbook, The Alaurum, New Brighton, 1939. 97 Antique Books. Audubon Bird Guide, East Lynne, Pocket Medical Dictionary, Fab and His Friends, Longfellow's Poems, Rollo in Geneva, Dictionary 98 Early 20th Century Coloring Book. 99 Tootsie Toy and Hubley Toy Cars 100 Cast Iron Toy Car 101 Cast Iron Gasoline Toy Truck 102 Cast Iron Stake Bed Truck, yellow wheels 103 Stake Bed Truck, unpainted wheels. Stake bed may have damaged section, difficult to tell given age. 104 Cast Iron Delivery Panel Truck Toy 105 Arcade Brand Stake Bed Delivery Truck, Red 106 Arcade Brand Stake Bed Delivery Truck, Blue 107 Antique Cast Iron Fire Truck Toy. Body marked 1667, wheels 1592. 108 Cast Iron Toy Car Hauler Truck. Marked 2292 and 2293 109 Log Hauler Toy Trailer Marked 2012 110 Bell Telephone Cast Iron Toy Work Truck with Tools. (smaller) Marked 1980 111 Large Antique Hubley Cast Iron Steam Firetruck 112 Bell Telephone Cast Iron Toy Work Truck with Tools. (larger) 113 3 Vintage World Globes, Cram's and Replogle Two with topographical relief. under front table 114 Terrestrial Globe with Zodiac Signs. Vintage item in an antique style, bottom says made in Italy 115 8 Inch Magnetic Air Race Globe by Replogle. Metal body game. 116 Art Nouveau Table Cloth 117 Small runner carpet or possibly prayer rug. 118 96" x 72" Table Cloth, one small hole and discoloration. 119 Tablecloths, Napkins, Etc. Some Hand Embroidered. Vintage and Antique. 120 Antique Tablecloth, with stains. 70" x 50" 121 Vintage Red Tablecloth. 51" x 48" 122 Blue Tablecloth 64" x 44" 123 Primitive Wooden Cabbage Cutter 124 Wood Shoe Stretchers 125 Large White Tablecloth, 105" x 88". With stains and at least 1 repair. 126 Antique Tool. Staking Set? In turned wood container. 2.75" tall. 127 Miller's Falls of Greenfield, Mass. Carving Tool Set No. 107 in partial box. 6" box. 128 3 Antique Wood Molding Hand Planes 9.5" in length. 129 Wooden Wedge, maybe for leather making vice? 14" long. Old tag said this was Curly Maple. 130 Rolatape Distance Measuring Wheel 131 Misc. Early Tools, including Stanley. 132 Group of Drills, Hand Augers, and Corkscrew Bottle Openers 133 Lot of Antique Specialty Hand Tools. 134 Group of Hammering and Smoothing Tools, plus Misc. 135 Antique Magnifying Glasses, Scoop, Brass Bell, etc. 136 Early Awls, Files, Chisels. Many possibly late 18th Century / Early 1800's. 137 Blue Glass Lamp. 22" tall. 138 Tole Green Painted Table Lamp. 30" tall. 139 Phoenix / Consolidated Table Lamp. Glass looks to be in nice condition. 140 Vintage Student Lamp. 141 Art Glass Shade. 7.25" bottom diameter, 3.25" mount diameter. Not chipped. 142 Binoculars. Swift, Neptune Mark II. 7 x ,35 Model 802 143 Electified Aladin Model 12 Bracket Oil Lamp. 144 Tin Chamber or Finger Lamp by E. Miller and Co. 145 Vintage Syroco Wall Clock with Key, seems to be running okay. 146 Vintage Depression Glass Shakers, Cranberry, Vaseline, Hobnail, etc. Some with chips as pictured, cranberry lid not tight. 147 Antique Hobnail Pressed Glass. Depression Era Pitcher (chips along bottom) 148 Nude Stemmed Gold Rim Wine Glass 149 La Palina Cigar Ashtray. Chip along rim. 150 Box of Antique Embroidered Table Linens and Napkins. It is pretty clear to me that this was the "Good Box". 151 Music Box. Light Burl Wood Case with Inlay Bells and Floral. Sold by The San Francisco Music Box Company, Romance Movement, Swiss made by Reuge. 152 Music Box. Dark Wood Case with Floral Inlay. Sold by The San Francisco Music Box Company, Made in Italy by Reuge. 153 Music Box, small size by Reuge. 154 Wine Glass with Nude Lady Stem. 155 Parachute Net. Owner said that they believe this was from the Korean War 156 Star Wars Toys. Naboo Royal Starship Model Kit, Clone Wars Backpack, Brainwave Force Trainer. 157 Star Wars Episode I Monopoly Game 158 Star Wars Return of the Jedi Authentic 70mm Film Originals - Imperial Forces, from 1997. 159 Vintage Flash Gordon Adventure Set Colorforms 160 Michael Jackson Colorforms Dress-Up Set, from 1984. 161 Chewbacca Plush Figure, from 1997. 162 Terminator Figure, Kenner, from 1992. Looks like it is meant to talk. 163 Hot Wheels Cars. Late 1980's / Early 1990's. 164 toy Cars, Majorette and Matchbox. 165 GI JOE Toy Trunk for Action Figure Clothing. 166 Barbie's Friend Ship by Mattel and United Airlines Playset. 167 Inflatable Doll House Furniture 168 GI JOE and Other Action Figures Accessories, large lot of guns, clothing, etc. 169 5 1960's Male Barbie Dolls, Ken and Other. 170 5 Vintage 1960's Era Barbie / Midge Dolls 171 1960's Era Barbie Dolls and a 1958 Reissue 172 Vintage Toy Dolls 173 Pyro Model Kit of 36 Navy Revolver At least missing one handle. 174 Pyro Fijian Outrigger Model Ship 175 Basic Kit of Rocks and Minerals and Basic Kit of Shells 176 He-Man Action Figures plus Transforming Rock Figure. He is the Master of the Universe. 177 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) Action Figures plus other including Marvel Wolverine 178 Major Matt Mason Alien Vintage Figure Bottom leg with tear. 179 Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Woodstock, etc. From Peanuts. United, 1960's. 180 Hot Wheels Buildings Car Playsets 181 E.T. Cardboard Point of Sale Display for Reece's Pieces T-Shirts from 1982 plus plush E.T. Doll 182 Large Lot of Slot Cars and Track. Aurora Tyco, Etc. Items combined from several sets. 183 Barbie. Evening Flame Special Edition Doll. 184 Barbie. Slumber Party Barbie with Take-Along Tote. 185 Barbie, Angelic Inspirations 186 Barbie, Angelic Harmony 187 Plush Bear, Tulip and Ducky 188 Avon Doll, Victorian Mother with Child 189 Hot Wheels Railroad Yard Playset 190 Vintage Velvet (Crissy's Cousin) Doll in Original Box, by Ideal, 1970. Hair that grows, hair that goes. 191 Chatty Cathy Doll, from 1961. Needs new pullstring. 192 Mrs. Beasley by Mattel, 1967. Has drawstring for voice, but seems hung up. 193 Composition Head / Cloth Body Gypsy or Ethnic Doll. 194 Composition Head with Cloth Body Doll, African American, Black Girl. 195 Vintage Plastic Baby Doll by Irwin. Hands will need new rubber band. 196 Small Antique Composition Baby Doll. 197 Louisa M. Alcott's Little Women Dolls, Beth and Amy 198 Vintage Plastic Baby Doll Wear to arms and hand. 199 Large Holly Day Porcelain Doll by Heritage Signature Collection. 200 Brenda Thomas, Once Upon a Rhyme Collector Doll, for Seymour Mann. Robin Hood or Peter Pan. The box is 19" long. 201 Large Vintage Doll in Original Box 202 Puppet Theater Box. 203 Mean Looking Santa Claus Toy. Plush body, rubber head. 204 Little Girl in Christmas Outfit Figure, Arrow Fur Inc. sticker on bottom. 205 Vintage Barbie in Victorian Style Outfit. 206 Antique Composition Body Baby Doll. 207 Small Box of Printer's Stamps or Dies. 208 Vintage Aluminum Thermos Cooler - Featherlite 12" tall. 209 Cocktail / Bar Set. Vintage Bum Bar Set from Shield's Fifth Avenue. Cute set of mixing rods and jiggers for measuring shots. 210 Art Pottery Bowl Vase with Scrolled Handles in Earth Tones Matte Finish. Arts & Crafts style. Bottom marked with "G" or possibly "6". 211 Antique Radio. Gloritone, 27 series chassis 20.5" tall, 13" wide. 212 Sampler dated 1804 25" x 24" 213 Violin. Bestler, student type with case. 214 Shelf full of collectible figurines, many Occupied Japan. 215 Shelf full of Miniature Phillip Laureston Houses and other Collectibles. 216 Green Carnival Glass Punch Bowl with 23 Cups. Will need additional hooks. 217 Pyrex Nesting Mixing Bowls, brown and white plus other bowls. 218 Studio Card Photographs, later from MGM Movies Trivia Game, 1984. 219 Baseball Cards, some sealed Topps and Donruss Packages 220 1960's Vintage Girls Toys from Mattel. 221 Toy Cars. Tonka Fire Truck, Breaking Madness, Simpson's Hot Wheels Van, Bulldozer 222 Precious Moments "God Bless Our Home" and Disney and Me by Enesco Figurines 223 Wendell August Forge Christmas Ornaments 224 Wendell August Forge Mug, Napkin Stand, Hospital Plate 225 Tom & Jerry Punch Bowl Set 226 Large Antique Hand Painted Vase, in the style of Noritake Morriage, not marked. Standing 15.5" tall. 227 Large Porcelain Head Doll. 228 Porcelain Baby Doll. 16" tall. 229 Large Lot of Mostly Deep Red Avon Glasses and Dinnerware. 230 Red and Green Wine Glasses plus Quartz Rock Cut Glasses. 231 Commemorative State Quarters, 21 pages from Postal Commemorative Society in Binder. 232 Vintage Kitchen Cookie Cutters 233 4 Vintage Toy Baby Dolls 234 4 Vintage Baby Dolls, lot #2 235 Porcelain Baby Dolls in Boxes 236 Boxed Baby Dolls 237 Baby Dolls including Raggedy Ann and Andy 238 Porcelain Santa and Sleigh Set 239 Vintage Christmas Decorations 240 Lot of Plastic Flowers and Floral Arrangements, medium garbage bag full. 241 Door Locks, Shower Hooks, Cutting Board, Plate Set 242 Shark Portable Steam Machine / Steamer with Accessories 243 Vintage Party / Bar Items. Lazy Susan, Picnic Plates, Merry Go Round Bar 244 45 Record Holder with 45 rpm records. 245 Laminator, Manilla File Folders, Clipboard 246 Shower Faucets. Pollenex Pouring Rain Porcelain Set and Jado Hand Shower Nozzle. 247 Fiesta Cups and Brown Hull Plates 248 Misc. Nick Knacks and Collectibles. 249 Carnival Glass and Okinawa Ryukru Vase 250 Gorham Silver Plate Trumpet Vase, Gorham Plated Serving Spoon, Regent Sheffield Carving Set, Gorham Lotus Crystal Bowl 251 Stickley Side Table, Cherry Valley #6. 252 Change Maker, Johnson Fare Box Collector Co. Chicago. 253 Stadia Hand Level Kuker-Ranken 254 Large Emblem Buttons 255 Collection of Victorian Pencils, Sewing Kits, Thimbles, Etc. 256 Early 20th Century Wireframe and Welding Glasses (steampunk), Tin Boxes, Ebony Crucifix, etc. 257 Juice (Jew's) Harp, Ice Cream Disher, Early Hand Tools. 258 Antique / Vintage Jewelry 259 Misc. Smalls 260 Vintage Portable Drinking / Bar Set 261 Clutch Purses, Kenneth Cole, Nine West, Jessica Simpson, I Santi (leather). 262 Dooney and Bourke Purse 263 Charming Charlie Purse 264 Vintage Purse with Plastic Handle 265 Stylecraft Miami Embroidered Purse 266 2 Purses, one has a La Regale Tag. 267 6 Change Purses 268 4 Beaded Purses 269 4 Genuine Leather and / or Artificial Leather Purses 270 4 Purses, including 2 by Ande. 271 4 Black Purses 272 4 Colored Leather or Other Purses 273 4 Purses including Eel Skin 274 5 Purses including Beaded 275 6 Small Change Purses 276 Cloth Handbag marked Vera Bradley 277 Large Chico's Handbag. Some of the black design is cracking a little. 278 Lot of Purses marked Louis Vutton, but fairly confident they are knock offs. 279 Vera Bradley Drawstring Day and Night Bag.] 280 Lot of Purses including Rubber Chicken! 281 Wicker Heart Basket filled with Scarves 282 Vintage Travel Bag with Accessories. 283 Collection of Billfold Wallets 284 Oriental Inspired Change Purses 285 Vintage Plastic Handled Purse by Meyers, made in U.S. 286 3 Vintage Purses 287 Lot of Vintage Purses 288 2 Vintage Travel Boxes 289 US Army Handkerchiefs 290 CD's 291 Collection of Ashtrays and Salt Glasses 292 Digital Camera. Kodak EasyShare C713 293 Clothing - Pants 294 Girl's Tops 295 Shoes and Etc. 296 Small Appliances 297 Various Animal Furs 298 Animal Furs including Muff Bag 299 Mink Shawl 300 Miniature Louisville Slugger Baseball Bats, Ticket from last game at Three Rivers Stadium, Michael Vick Electronic game, Etc. 301 Wireless Keyboard / Case for an Ipad or other Tablet, Crank Flashlight, Secure Credit Card Wallet, HDMI Cable. 302 Lenox Serving Bowl plus Silver Plate Ladle. 303 Collection of Miniature Kitchen Items 304 Lipton Tea and Other Miniature Ceramic Figurines 305 Misc. Items - Draw Poker, Radio, Blinker Lights, etc 306 Primitive Wood Cigar Mold 307 Cardboard Treasure Chest filled with Toddler Size Princess Dresses, Lace, Shoes, etc. 308 Snowboard, by Liquid. 50" long. 309 Side Table with Elaborate Inlay Design. 310 4 Pair of New Lady's Shoes. Size 8 by Volatile. 311 Box of Collectibles and Vintage Toys. 312 HO Model Train Items, a few buildings, misc. parts and pins 313 Shelf full of nick knacks and miniature collectibles 314 Decorative Mirrors 315 Toys. Furby, Dallas Card Game, Happy Day's Figure, Train Track, Etc. 316 Diving Vest or Scuba Jacket 317 Vintage Advertising Coca-Cola Tray 318 Wii Guitar Hero Guitar and Game and Rock Band Game 319 2 Board Games, Sort It Out and Fact or Crap 320 Approximately 96 Votive Candle Holders - used in a wedding. 321 Box with Toy Cars and Trucks 322 Vintage Travel Makeup Box with Misc. Contents 323 Mini Mag Flash Light, Home Remedy Cure Books, Etc. 324 Box filled with Photograph Frames 325 Expandable Shoe Organizer Rack 326 Thermos Cooler filled Lion's Head Door Knockers, Antique Brass Candlestick (needs soldered) plus Vintage Lighting and Misc. 327 Vintage Umbrella and Toaster Salt & Pepper Shakers, Metal Shot Glass Container, Misc. Boxes, Political Pins. 328 2 Gameboy Systems in Cases with Battery Packs and Games: Zelda, Tetris, Super Mario 2, Yoshi, plus Golden Eye 007 and Golf for Nintendo Gamecube. 329 Shelf with Glass Shakers, Covered Dish, Smoke Deflector, Blue Glass and 1897 Good Luck Horseshoe. 330 Window Fan 331 Paperweights and Plastic Glasses 332 Ceramic Piggy Banks and Other Ceramics 333 Vintage Video Game System, Action Sports Model VS-7. In nice original box. By Venture Electronics. 334 Vintage Atari Tele-Games Video Arcade Video Game Systems with Games Pac-Man, Combat, Defender, Donkey Kong, Demon Attack, Night Driver, etc. 335 Nintendo DS I Handheld Video Game System in Original Box with Mario Kart Video Game 336 XBox 360 Games, Overlord 337 DVD's. Donnie Brasco, Mafia, Lord of the Rings, Bad Boys, Gladiator, Death Wish 2 338 DVD's. Funny People, Old School, I-Spy, Duece Bigalow, Talladega Nights, Monty Python, etc. 339 DVD's. Cruel Intentions, Just Married, Ghost Lake, Saw, The Last Winter, etc. Original photograph got compromised, will post a new one shortly. 340 DVD's. The Punisher, Secret Window, Bandits, Unfaithful, etc. 341 Blue Ray Discs. Cloverfield, Jacob's Ladder, Love and Other Drugs, Tactical Force. 342 Lot of CD's. 343 PS3 Games and Nintendo Games. Dead Rising 2, Kane & Lynch, Fight Night 3, Mario Brothers, Spy Hunter 344 Laptop Computer, nice small size. MSI, Intel Atom N450, 10" screen. 345 Proscan 39" LED Flat Screen TV. Owners said that the picture flickers and that it will need repaired. 346 5 Woman's Purses. Includes Rosetti and Nine West. 347 Otter Box Cell Phone Case for Iphone 5 348 20" wide Fish Tank filled with Accessories. 349 Keurig Coffee Pod Storage Organizer and Iced Tea Brewer 350 Misc. Decorative Household Items, Barometer, etc. 351 Fishing Rods and Lures. Browning and Daiwa Sweepfire 2500 352 Winnie The Pooh Toddler Table with Chairs 353 Cafe Style Table, with 4 tall Stools. Has been repainted, but the white part is only in primer and needs paint. 354 Bin full of Dolls and Toys for little girl. 355 Painting of Spanish Conquistador, signature may read "Carlo". 30" wide, 42" tall. 356 Wooden Shadowbox Shelf with Mirror Back, 31" wide, 27" tall. 357 Shadowbox Shelf, 44" wide, 32" tall. 358 Woven Picnic Basket Set with Plastic Dishes and Utensils 359 Wood Hanging Shelf with Spiderweb Cut-Out Back, 15" wide, 32" tall. 360 Bowling Ball, Softball / Baseball Cleats and Helmet 361 Hats and Gloves including Marching Band 362 Table full of Misc. Household Items, vintage ladies razors, fans, etc. 363 Table full of Misc, including Magnifier Lamp (no base), Speakers, etc. 364 Large Lot of Collectables and Decor. 365 Several Shelves of Dishes. 366 Hand Painted Porcelain Plates including Limoges, France. 367 3 Shelves of Clear Pressed Glass. 368 Group of Art Prints
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Poker Chip Set for Texas Holdem, Blackjack, Gambling with Carrying Case, Cards, Buttons and 500 Dice Style Casino Chips (11.5 Gram) by Trademark Poker. COMPLETE SET– This set includes 4 colors for different value holders, 2 standard size decks of cards, and poker buttons for the ultimate Texas Hold’em game. With this set, you can bring a little Las Vegas style to your home! Get the best deals on Poker Chip Holder when you shop the largest online selection at Free shipping on many items Browse your favorite brands affordable prices. 100Pc Plastic Casino Chip Holder. Item Number: 2715P. Your Price: $3.90. Competitor Price: $4.68. Quantity: Add to a new shopping list : Product Description: Clear plastic chip tray holds 100 poker chips. We carry a variety of different type of poker cases and accessories, from 25 chip plastic chip tubes to 500 chip high gloss finish poker case. This is a durable acrylic/ plastic poker chip ... Clear your table and create more space for playing! If your poker table doesn’t have a dedicated cup holder then this the perfect solution. Say goodbye to spillage and clutter, the Plastic Clip On Cup Holder can hold not only your drinks, but also your keys, cell phones, and other knick knacks during the game. 100 Piece Wooden Casino Poker Chip Holder Tray Set. 4.7 out of 5 stars 6. $15.99 $ 15. 99. FREE Shipping. Best Seller in Poker Chip Trays & Racks. DA VINCI 10 Clear Acrylic Stackable Poker Chip Tray Racks . 4.6 out of 5 stars 211. $12.95 $ 12. 95. Get it as soon as Mon, Jan 18. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Brybelly Lot of 10 Air-Tite Poker Chip Display Holders. 4.5 out ... Casino Poker Chips (65) Casino Poker Chip Set (50) RFID Casino Chips (54) Casino Poker Table (43) Casino Table Layout (15) Casino Playing Cards (57) Playing Card Shuffler (41) Baccarat Gambling Systems (72) Casino Card Shoe (52) Poker Discard Holder (67) Casino Chip Tray (72) Baccarat Markers (55) Casino Gaming Chairs (37) Casino Game ... Large variety of metal, plastic, and wood poker chip trays and racks for any size poker game. View as Grid List. 15 Items . Sort By. Set Descending Direction. Show. per page . Add to Cart. Acrylic Chip Tray - No Lid $1.22. View Product. New . Add to Cart. Acrylic Chip Tray With Lid For 43mm Size Poker Chips $4.00 As low as $3.75. View Product . Add to Cart. Acrylic Chip Trays - No Lid - Pack ... 1,485 poker chip container products are offered for sale by suppliers on, of which paper boxes accounts for 1%. A wide variety of poker chip container options are available to you, such as corrugated board. You can also choose from accept poker chip container, as well as from plastic poker chip container, and whether poker chip ... ABS Black Poker Chip Tray with Cardholder (8 Row / 350 Chip) $14.95. ABS Inventory / Storage Poker Chip Tray (50 Section / 1000 Chip) $29.95. Black Angled Insert Poker Chip Tray (4 Row / 90 Chip) $2.99. Black Straight Insert Poker Chip Tray with Cup Holder (4 Row / 100 chip) $6.99. Clear Acrylic Poker Chip Rack (5 Row / 100 Chip) $1.99. Premium Clear Acrylic Poker Chip Rack (5 Row / 100 Chip ... Poker Chips; Poker Chip Trays & Racks See All 26 Departments. Avg. Customer Review. 4 Stars & Up & Up; 3 ... Anti-Spill Plastic Nacho Trays 125 Pack. Disposable 2 Compartment Boats Great for Dips, Snacks and Fair Foods. Large 6x8 Inch Portable Chip Holders for School Carnivals, Parties and Concession Stands . 4.8 out of 5 stars 139. $21.91 $ 21. 91. Get it as soon as Mon, Feb 1. FREE Shipping ...

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